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Happy Birthday to Me!
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Boxes and more Boxes……….
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We are home……..
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Mystic Aquarium
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Day Two of Spring Break School Vacation {Daddy’s Birthday}
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Saying Good Night to Daddy….
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Yay!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see pictures!!! I am so glad it went well Karen!!!
Welcome to Allison!!!
CONGRATULATIONS KAREN and FAMILY!!! I’m so happy to hear everything went well and little Allison is doing great!! I can’t wait to see some pictures!!
We’re happy to hear the good news! Congratulations to Karen, Steve, and Big Sister Holly!
Becky, Joe, Joey, and Tommy
Congratulations! Can’t wait to meet the little bugger.
I’m sure she is beautiful! Congratulations!
Congratulations Karen and family! Can’t wait to see photos of Allison!
Congrats to your family! I’m so excited for you! Glad it all went well. Can’t wait to see Allison! How is Big Sister doing?
So happy to hear everything went well! Congratulations Karen and family!!
I got Steve’s message-congratulations!!!! I love the pictures that Jodi posted (thanks for doing that Jodi!) I hope you’re feeling better every day and look foward to seeing you!
Chris and Dan