2 Months Old….
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
The nursery is really coming together, thanks to my mother. She spent the weekend here and helped me finish up moving Holly’s stuff out of the closet and Baby’s stuff into the closet, she put the wall border up and started hanging pictures on the nursery wall (we need to by string to hang the rest and each time we went shopping, we forgot!). Here are some pictures of the Nursery so far, it should be finished next weekend. Today we are going to buy Holly a bed and will try to have it delivered on Friday. We’ve been telling her for about 1 week now that she was getting a big girl bed and Baby Sister was going to use her crib. She seems…
I think I use that blog post title quite often but I can’t help it, my girls are cute! Allison usually gives me that scrunched up nose smile like Holly used to do give me but I was able to catch her before she did it and this is what I got and yes, she is “so cute”. I didn’t expect Allison to be able to wear many of Holly’s cloths because they were born opposite seasons but it actually worked out pretty well and Allison has been able to wear a lot of them. This outfit is one of the ones that was Holly’s and I’m glad we got more use out of it. Doesn’t she look ‘so cute’ in it? 🙂
I can NOT believe that Allsion is already 18 months old. That was the fastest 18 months of my life! She was such a sweet baby and is turning into an adorable toddler (with quite the temper) and I don’t want her to grow up anymore. If I could keep her this age forever I would. She is my baby and always will be. Now that that is said, we are enjoying hearing her finally say things. She’s got a sweet voice and is building a good vocabulary. She says….. uphelpdadaappledoggiecookieholly (not very well but she tries)papagrandpathank youpleaseanimal I think that is it, but she tries to say so much more. Notice that mama, nana and nonnie are NOT on that list. If you ask…
Holly loves to help mommy around the house. She actually wanted to wash dishes when she saw me doing it the other day. I promised her she could someday and intend to keep that promise! Her thing lately is every night she wants to set the dinner table, so I let her. I give her one thing at a time except for glasses and knives. She puts each plate where they belong, one for daddy, one for mommy and one for Holly. Then we move onto forks, napkins, plastic cups and then whatever extra things need to go on the table for that nights dinner. She loves doing this and she does a great job. The other night I took a picture of her table…
Allison really likes to color… a lot. She holds the crayon really well, even better than Holly does. And she tries to color in the objects, but of course she still goes outside the lines. We have plenty of time to perfect that. She would prefer to use markers, but since she likes to write on things other than paper, she is only allowed to use crayons. She doesn’t really like that, but for now she has to listen. She likes to write also. If you write her name, she’ll write right over it, as if she is tracing. It’s cute. It’s another way of her copying what we do. She likes to follow Holly around the house and do exactly as she does. I…
Steve took a trip earlier in the month and Jodi and Little David stayed with us for a few days. The kids had so much fun, even Allison! David and Holly are at a great age and they love to pretend and it was just a fun time. I scrapbooked a few pages from their visit…. When I dressed the girls one day I happened to but them both in red, I didn’t plan that but, when Jodi saw what they were wearing, she decided to put David also in red so they all matched. She lined them up on the couch to take a picture because they looked so cute! She jokingly said to me “hey we should go have their picture taken somewhere”….
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Great idea with the growth pics. Her face is really starting to become more defined! Cutie!
Allison is such a doll!!!
Karen, she is so cute. I see the change in her from the last time I saw her. both girls are growing so fast. Hugs and kisses
Love, Nana
*OH poor baby! Shots are BLAH! Luv the pics you posted. She’s getting so big.