2 Months Old….
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
Today is my nephew Kristopher’s Birthday. He is 5 today. WOW 5!!! That’s amazing how fast he is growing. It really does seem like yesterday he was born. I remember when I went to go see him for the first time, his brother Jonathan, who was 3 1/2 at the time, was with me. He said hi to his baby brother then looked at me and said “Auntie Karen, why doesn’t say hi to me?” It was really cute. I think he as expecting a full grown boy to be born that would talk and play with him. This kid was kinda boring he thought. But Kristopher was absolutely adorable. It’s been 5 years since that day, and it feels like yesterday. And now Jonathan…
Yesterday Holly and I went to the play area at the Waterford Mall with her friend Chloe and Chloe’s mom Cara. It was so much fun! Holly had a blast! I tried taking lots of pictures but most of them didn’t come out to well, she was moving way to fast for me. The minute I took her out of her carriage she was off and and just started running around with a HUGE smile on her face. There were a lot of kids there, mostly bigger than her so it was a little crazy because they weren’t being very careful of the little ones. But Holly and Chloe did fine on their own. After a while Holly noticed the slide and went right up…
We are all here and well, just not much to say. Steve told me I really needed to update the blog and when I told him I didn’t really have much to say or any pictures to share, he told me that I was wrong. I should be talking about how Allison is trying to crawl. So here is my post just for Steve (love you honey!) Allison is crawling, not perfectly yet, but she’s doing REALLY well. She still mostly does the ‘army crawl’ but every now and then she gets up on all fours and moves a few steps. It’s cute! And we are excited that she’s doing so well but I’m also sad that my baby is getting big WAY TO FAST!…
Happy Monday everyone! I don’t really have much of a post today, just wanted to stop in and say hi. We had a nice weekend, I had the day off on Saturday and went scrapbooking for the day with Jodi. We had a lot of fun and I got a lot of pages done. I haven’t scanned them in yet so I’ll do that tonight and post those tomorrow. It was nice to spend the day with my best friend without any little ones around. But we did miss them, that’s for sure. Steve and Holly had a great day together. They took a ride to the beach and she played in the sand for a little while, it was very cold and windy so…
The Knight Family came to visit us last weekend and the kids were so excited to see each other. David went right up to baby Allison to give her a kiss…….it was so cute. They were late getting here and Holly was not happy about that. LOL The next day she told David that they were late because his Daddy drove slow……..how cute is that!! I love the mind of a three year old! It was a nice visit, quick of course but we were glad to have them. Just a few pictures of the 3 of them having Popsicle’s together.
The Nursery is finally done. I’m so happy with it and just love the colors. We did Holly’s nursery in neutral colors because we picked it out before we knew we were having a girl. Originally we were NOT going to find out the sex of the baby, but I caved last minute so we did. We really like her nursery set so we decided to stick with it, even though it wasn’t “girly”. Well this time I wanted something VERY girly and I got my way. Do you think this is girly enough?? I also pulled out Holly’s infant car seat and got that all cleaned up for Baby Sister. I put it back together yesterday so we can load it into the car…
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Great idea with the growth pics. Her face is really starting to become more defined! Cutie!
Allison is such a doll!!!
Karen, she is so cute. I see the change in her from the last time I saw her. both girls are growing so fast. Hugs and kisses
Love, Nana
*OH poor baby! Shots are BLAH! Luv the pics you posted. She’s getting so big.