2 Months Old….
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
Today we made our annual trip to Manfedi Farm’s Pumpkin Patch. Holly has been looking forward to going for a while and was very excited today! Allison really enjoyed it this year too. Last year she was just 6 months old and sat in the stroller just looking around. This year she touched the pumpkins, tried to pick up a few and enjoyed the ducks and the chickens. In the end, we left with a small pumpkin for Allison, a little bigger pumpkin for Holly, a medium size pumpkin for Holly to take to school to carve and paint and a bigger pumpkin for mommy to carve. Here are some pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch…. Daddy walking in with his girls………..love this…
Holly and I had a craft day today (Monday) and we had so much fun. I pulled out the washable markers and gave her lots of paper and sat her across the table from me while I scrapbooked. My best friend Jodi challenged me to do some pages this weekend, but I never got to it. Today I sat us both done and went to town. Holly had a lot of fun with the markers, and thankfully they were washable because she made a mess, a cute mess, but a mess. Hope you all have a good week!!!
I love decorating the tree. It’s one of my favorite things to do this time of year. It’s funny because when I was a kid my mother would make me help her, I remember it so clearly, and I never wanted to help. I’m not sure why but I always had to help her anyways. (I’m sure my mother will comment about how true that is!) Well now I love decorating the tree and I’m glad Holly enjoys helping me. Last year she did a little but this year she really helped. I love her age because she really gets into doing things. While Allison napped today, Holly and I went downstairs to begin our decorating. We put the tree in a different place because…
Allison turned 10 months old this week, hard to believe that she’ll be 1 in just two months. As I’ve said before, where did the time go???She’s doing really well. She has been crawling like crazy since Christmas and pulls herself up on everything and is now cruising along the furniture. She really has the desire to stand and move along but she hasn’t tried to take any of her own steps yet. Still not letting go. But her balance is getting better and better every week so she probably will be walking by her 1st birthday.She seems to be going through a growth spurt and is eating so much more lately, but not so much in the form of baby food, but in the…
I’m sure you’ve all seen The Big Toy Book that Toy’s R Us put out every year?? Well it arrived in this weekends paper and we kept it for our Christmas shopping. I was showing Steve a few things in the book and when I left it on the couch, Holly grabbed and and began to look through and make her ‘list’. It was the cutest thing, she just kept turning page after page and saying “Dora, Boots”….I had to snap some pictures. I guess this is just the first year of many that she’ll grab that book and make her list.
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Great idea with the growth pics. Her face is really starting to become more defined! Cutie!
Allison is such a doll!!!
Karen, she is so cute. I see the change in her from the last time I saw her. both girls are growing so fast. Hugs and kisses
Love, Nana
*OH poor baby! Shots are BLAH! Luv the pics you posted. She’s getting so big.