2 Months Old….
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
Yesterday was Steve’s Birthday. Holly was all excited and told everyone she saw even the guy that came over to look at our roof! LOL. We bought him an ice cream cake, per Holly’s request and had a little party before bed. The girls enjoyed it, well mostly Holly. Tomorrow is Allison’s 1st Birthday! We had her party over the weekend, I will post pictures later. I can’t believe a year has gone by already!
Happy Birthday to you…….Happy Birthday to you……..Happy Birthday dear Mom…….Happy Birthday to you!!! Happy Birthday Mom, We hope you have a fantastic day!!!! Love you. Holly and Nonnie taking a nap together. Holly loves you too Nonnie!
I’ve been tagged by Candice . This is long…blame her! Just kidding….here it goes… Twelve Movies (not in any order) 1. Lord of The Rings2. Clueless3. Jerry McQuire4. Ever After5. 50 First Dates6. Sixteen Candles7.The Breakfast club8. Harry Potter9. The Wedding Singer10. Father of the Bride11. My Best Friends Wedding12. The Patriot Eleven Good Bands/Artists (not in any order) 1. Jimmy Buffet2. Madonna3. Kelly Clarkson4. Bon Jovi5. Bee Gees6. Motley Crue7. New Kids on the Block (Ok I liked them when I was younger but I had to come up with 11!!)8. Janet Jackson9. The Bangles10. Jennifer Lopez11. Night Ranger Ten Things About You (delete after the … part and fill in with your answer) 1. I’m … really sweet!2. My favorite color … Is…
Today is my nephew Kristopher’s Birthday. He is 5 today. WOW 5!!! That’s amazing how fast he is growing. It really does seem like yesterday he was born. I remember when I went to go see him for the first time, his brother Jonathan, who was 3 1/2 at the time, was with me. He said hi to his baby brother then looked at me and said “Auntie Karen, why doesn’t say hi to me?” It was really cute. I think he as expecting a full grown boy to be born that would talk and play with him. This kid was kinda boring he thought. But Kristopher was absolutely adorable. It’s been 5 years since that day, and it feels like yesterday. And now Jonathan…
I have a little cookie helper, but she wants to eat the uncooked cookies so it didn’t end to well. But she tried and enjoyed herself for a little while and she loved the cookies the next day. I gave her some of the mini muffin cups and she made her own little cheerio buffet, it was really cute. To think we bought her toys for christmas and she plays with these! LOL
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Great idea with the growth pics. Her face is really starting to become more defined! Cutie!
Allison is such a doll!!!
Karen, she is so cute. I see the change in her from the last time I saw her. both girls are growing so fast. Hugs and kisses
Love, Nana
*OH poor baby! Shots are BLAH! Luv the pics you posted. She’s getting so big.