Happy Birthday Kristopher!!!!
Happy Birthday Kristopher!!! We love you!!!!
Happy Birthday Kristopher!!! We love you!!!!
These girls are getting so big, so fast…………it’s amazing! Allison likes to carry a ‘bunch’ of things at a time by tucking them under her chin. It’s really cute when she does this. One day I let her play with the tub of wipes so I could finish up some things around the house (of course I have plenty of wipes to spare). Once they were all pulled out of the tub, she then carried them from room to room, and of course tucked them under her chin. I was able to catch a couple of pictures of her…. We decided to keep Holly home from school the month of August and we’ve also decided to send her to a different school in September. Her…
The girls both needed new winter hats. Holly’s were to small from last year, even though she looked cute and Allison was wearing one of Holly’s older hats, but it was a little snug and we needed a back up anyways. We met my mother at Sears and she bought them each a Hat and Mitten set. Allison didn’t want to wear it (I guess she doesn’t like change either) so to make it ‘fun’ I had them wear them when we got home. They LOVED it! And I was able to get this cute picture of them.
Today was moving day, for Holly at least. We finally finished painting her new room and it’s all ready for her. We began by moving her crib into the room this morning, boy was that fun. We were really hoping not to have to take the entire crib apart but we had to unassemble quite a bit of it to get it through the doors. Live and Learn. We’ve decided to move her with the crib first and then when she is nice and settled in there, we’ll get her a bed. Then we had to break for haircuts. Steve and Holly both needed haircuts so we went to see Betsy today. This was the first time we were attempted to have someone cut Holly’s…
Well, Holly’s still not better. Today she’s completely not herself. Steve woke me at 7am and said she was awake but just laying there playing with her hands. I told him to go get her and bring her into bed with me (cuz she loves to play on the bed) and when he did, she just layed there..then wanted to get down and started with that wine/grunt sound. So I told him to get her some juice. She sucked down 3/4 of the cup. She sat with me while she did that so I had my “bottle” moment. Then she wanted cheerios so I gave her some, but she only had a few. After that we just sat on the couch together and she pretty…
I guess you could say that Holly is potty trained. She wears her big girl undies all day except when we go out, then she puts on a pull up even though she doesn’t want to. Until she get’s better at it, I feel better if she has a pull up on. She is even going on the Big Potty and we are so proud, but mommy has to hold her because she is afraid she’ll fall in. She’s doing great and doesn’t even wet her pull up most of the time when she has it on. The only time she does is if she is sleeping, but I know that will get better. We are so proud of her, she caught on really quickly…
I know it’s been 18 days since I posted. I didn’t have my camera for a few of those days and just got behind. But today I was informed it had been 18 days so I decided to make sure I updated today! Can you believe that Allison is 5 month’s old today. Where is the time going. She’s getting so big so fast and changing so much. Here are our monthly pictures of her with the zebra. I was able to snap one picture before she grabbed the zebra….. and put it in her mouth…. everything goes in the mouth now. I think each month’s picture is going to be harder and harder to take! Then I decided to sit her up and take…
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Happy 5th Birthday, Kristopher, We Love You xxxxxxxxxxoooooooooxxxxxxxxxxx.
he loves to count x’s and o’s.
Grandpa and Grandma