My Mommy and Daddy………..
And then I had to get a kiss in, love kissing those cheeks!!!
And we had to get a picture with daddy too. Oh how we love this little girl!!!!
And then I had to get a kiss in, love kissing those cheeks!!!
And we had to get a picture with daddy too. Oh how we love this little girl!!!!
Allison had a great time at her party. She wasn’t sure of everyone at first but she enjoyed it once we got outside and there was room to run! She spent most her time in the sandbox. She loves the sandbox! She really enjoyed having “Happy Birthday” sung to her this year. She didn’t like it so much last year so I was happy to get some smiling pictures of her today. (Thanks Jodi for taking such GREAT pictures!)Mama helped her blow out her candles. I’m sure this is the last year she’ll need mama’s help.Allison snuck her finger into the frosting. She got that piece, no one else wanted it, I wonder why??
I received my new camera the week before the wedding so all the pictures I took were with that and I love it. It’s very similar to my old camera but it’s a newer version so somethings were improved and they changed the way some things worked so I’m still learning. But I am very happy with the pictures it took. Glad I had to get a new one. A few people have asked me how I made money to buy the camera. Well some of you know that I’ve become very frugal and save a LOT of money when I go shopping and I really enjoy taking surveys and doing mystery shopping. I put together a blog about all the things I do and…
Well, almost. It is absolutely beautiful here today. We have the heat down, a few windows open….I love the fresh air coming in, especially at the beginning of Spring. I’m sure it won’t last long, but I’m not even thinking about that. We had to run out to Walmart for a few things and it was too warm to put Holly’s winter jacket on so I pulled out the Spring Jacket!!!! Ok, it’s not so exciting for everyone, but it was for me. I love putting new things on her. Anyways, she looked absolutely ADORABLE!!!!! I had to zoom into the first picture so it’s not very clear. After that she was walking towards me up an incline so she kept watching her feet. So…
We don’t let Holly take any toys into her crib. We just never did. Before her morning nap today she was playing with her baby doll (that’s what we call her) so nice. She’s been playing with her a lot lately, carrying her around the house, just like a little mommy. Well, I decided today to try something and let her take baby doll with her for her nap. I looked in on her after a few minutes and she was laying there, touching baby doll, I thinking she found a tag on her cloths. Then I looked in once more when it got quiet and she had fallen asleep with her arm around baby doll. For some of you that have children this is…
Holly LOVES her books. She wont really sit too long and let us read to her but she does spend a LOT of time looking through her books. I’m glad because her daddy is a HUGE reader and I know he learned a lot of what he knows through reading and I wish for that for her too. I enjoy reading too, but I like the romance novels and I don’t learn too much I can use in life from them. LOL I keep a bunch of books in the car now too and if I need to keep her awake or she just needs some entertaining, then I hand her a book. She’ll sit there, point to things that she knows and even thing…
This past weekend our GREAT friends Karen, Charlie and Jessica came over to help us put together the swing set that the girl’s grandparents bought them. It was an all day Sunday project. Steve has been putting up the swings and toys during the week, but the entire structure was done on Sunday. Last night Steve got Allison’s swing up. This is her first time on a swing and she LOVED IT. She giggled the entire time. Here is a video I made of her….so much fun!!! Thank you Nana, Papa, Nonnie, Grandpa, Charlie, Karen, Jessica and Steve. Those giggles make it so worth it!! PS…. Miss Allison decided that she would take 5 steps and then 10 steps on her 1st birthday!!! We…
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great pictures of you all! Holly is such a doll!
Great pictures!