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Allison on the Phone
Allison has discovered that she can get herself up onto the couch, Holly’s rocking chair, the Dora chairs (though she topples over in those quite often) and now she’s trying to get onto the dining room chairs. She can’t quite do it yet, but she’s trying. I helped her up yesterday morning and we sat together for a while. I was able to get some really cute pictures of her. She was still in her pajama’s but she looked adorable, of course. She grabbed the phone off the table and began pushing the buttons and ‘talking’ on the phone. She doesn’t really have any words yet, I have heard her say something that sounds like Hello a few times, but that doesn’t stop her from…
A Trip Up North…
Holly and I took a trip up to New Hampshire yesterday to visit with Jodi, Lil David and a friend of ours from college Jenny. (Hi Jodi and Jenny!!!). It was a beautiful day for a drive…the sun was out and it was nice and warm (but not HOT) and it just made me feel so good to be out in it. Holly did fantastic on the ride up. She slept for about 45 minutes right in the middle of the 2.5 hour drive…it was perfect! She even let me listen to most of my music all the way there…that was a treat for me. Holly and David played so nice together…they are starting to interact together which is so nice to see. They were…
Coloring and more…
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I spoke too soon….
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Oh how sweet….
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