It’s Friday again….
Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share….
After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister….
Every year Nonnie (my mother) buys a new ornament for her grandchildren with each of their names for her Christmas Tree. Eventually the tree with be full of ornaments that say Jonathan, Kristopher, Holly and Allison. Then she’ll have the perfect tree! She likes to have the kids put the ornaments themselves and I always try to get a picture of it. Here are this year’s “ornament hanging pictures”. Allison wasn’t sure what she wanted her to do with it so Nonnie helped her. Holly was too quick so we didn’t get a picture of her putting it up, but she pointed to it for picture purposes, she’s such a great kid!
Poor thing has a fever and has been vomiting. First time for this to happen, not bad since she’s 16 months old. She went down for both naps very early today so I know she’s not herself. Very listless too. Poor thing. I wish it was me. I hope this doesn’t last all week.
Well fall is far gone and winter should be here now, even though it’s been way to warm for winter. I needed to redesign my blog so here it is. I am going to work on the header, it’s just too blah and it really needs pictures of Holly. So bare with me while I make my changes!Thanks!!
Allison had a great time at her party. She wasn’t sure of everyone at first but she enjoyed it once we got outside and there was room to run! She spent most her time in the sandbox. She loves the sandbox! She really enjoyed having “Happy Birthday” sung to her this year. She didn’t like it so much last year so I was happy to get some smiling pictures of her today. (Thanks Jodi for taking such GREAT pictures!)Mama helped her blow out her candles. I’m sure this is the last year she’ll need mama’s help.Allison snuck her finger into the frosting. She got that piece, no one else wanted it, I wonder why??
Holly loves to help mommy around the house. She actually wanted to wash dishes when she saw me doing it the other day. I promised her she could someday and intend to keep that promise! Her thing lately is every night she wants to set the dinner table, so I let her. I give her one thing at a time except for glasses and knives. She puts each plate where they belong, one for daddy, one for mommy and one for Holly. Then we move onto forks, napkins, plastic cups and then whatever extra things need to go on the table for that nights dinner. She loves doing this and she does a great job. The other night I took a picture of her table…
So much fun playing in the water. Holly had a blast, once again, playing in her pool. She LOVES to splash and toss the water out off the pool. She hasn’t emptied it yet, but I have a feeling she’s working towards it some days. She really does know how to have fun and I love to watch her.
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Cute hair cut Karen! You look great! Love the bath towel pictures too.
cute hair cut Karen. Love seeing the pictures of the girls – such absolute cuties!!!!