It’s Friday again….
Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share….
After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister….
I don’t normally get great pictures of my mother because she hates to smile. She says she doesn’t know ‘how’ too (sorry mom, but you do!). Well I finally got a perfect picture of her and Holly and they are both smiling pefectly!! I scrapbooked it right away and I love how it came out. I found a quote that I thought would be great for this page because there wasn’t really a story to tell about the picture. It says “Grandma’s are mommies with lots of practice”. PERFECT!!
We got a lot of snow yesterday. There is probably about 7 inches. That’s a lot to shovel. But my man did the job and he’s now exhausted! He did really good since we need room to put a few cars this coming week for Christmas. We have a stone driveway (most of you know that) and we really hope to get it paved in 2010. As long as nothing else big breaks in the house in 2009.Holly was very excited to go outside again andonce Allison saw her out there, she wanted to go out too. So I bundled her up in Holly’s snowsuit from last year (I love this snowsuit and I’m so glad that Allison can wear it now) and she looked…
Holly is developing quite the personality and she shows it with her many facial expressions. Steve and I find ourselves laughing at her a lot, especially when she gets mad. We can already tell the teenage years are going to be fun! Yesterday I caught two of those “famous expressions” on camera. Of course we think she’s just a beautiful even when she looks like this……. This look is saying “Mommy, I don’t want to smile right now”. This look says “What do you mean I can’t have another snack???” (I get that one a lot during the day, especially right before supper) But like the shirt, she’s a princess in our eyes, even when she gets mad.
“ok mom”“here it is, mom”“i love you, mom”“can I have a snack, mom?”“thank you, mom” That’s what I’ve been hearing from Holly for about a week now, “mom”. I still get the occasional “mommy” but most of the day, I am just “mom”. This seems a little to early to make the shift from “mommy” to “mom”. I mean, she’s only been 3 for 2 months. I don’t think I’m ready to be “mom”……I am still “mommy”. I need to slow down time, my Holly is growing up way too fast.
My youngest nephew Kristopher made his first communion today. It was a beautiful day! His uncle is a photographer and he took a bunch of pictures of us while we were there. I was very happy that he took one of the four of us. We haven’t had a picture taken of us in over a year, a nice picture that is. He also snapped this adorable picture of the girls….. They are such cuties!
We had Allison’s 1st Birthday Party this past Saturday and we couldn’t of asked for a more perfect day, weather and all. It was beautiful outside and the kids had so much fun. Allison enjoyed the day but got really tired from all the days activities. She was a little bit interested in the gift opening but not interested in the cake. She cried. Part of the reason was because she was hungry and she didn’t know that was food, it didn’t look like her regular food. I’m sure someday cake will be a recognizable food for her but not at 1. Today being her actual birthday, we are going to try the cake thing again so hopefully this time she’ll enjoy it. A few…
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Cute hair cut Karen! You look great! Love the bath towel pictures too.
cute hair cut Karen. Love seeing the pictures of the girls – such absolute cuties!!!!