It’s Friday again….
Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share….
After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister….
Poor Allison, she’s sick again. Only this is not something she caught from anyone. She has a UTI. Not FUN! She started with a low grade fever last Monday night and we just figured it was teeth (which she still has NONE of) but on Thursday her temp went up over 101.6 so I called the doctor. She checked out fine without anything going on that was visible, so he told me if her fever continued over 101 then to come back the next day and they would do blood work and check her urine. Her fever went up to 103 Thursday night so back to the doctor on Friday. The office called me Saturday morning to tell me that she did have a UTI…
After dinner tonight the girls put on their ballet dresses and danced for us. It was really cute. I did get it on video but it’s too big to upload here so here are the pictures. Allison was copying whatever move Holly did, it’s so cute when she mimics her moves, except when Holly is doing something she shouldn’t. Our littlest Ballerina Miss Allison… Our bigger Ballerina loves to do twirls………… and I caught her in action…
That’s what I am… A bad blogger. Sorry. I just don’t get as many good pictures and videos of Holly lately. She’s onto me. When she see’s the camera she runs the other way. I guess after 10,000 pictures in less than 2 years, it gets pretty old. But today, she seemed to be in a good picture taking mood. So I got a few cute shots of her. I tried really hard because I know that some people are looking at my blog daily just to see another cute picture of Holly. I had dinner with my friend Kim the other night (Hi Kim) and she hinted around that I need to update more often. Here you go Kim, some pictures and another cute…
Holly did wonderful sleeping in her new Big Girl bed. It’s pretty much as if nothing has changed. This is a child that can be resistant to change, but she must of been ready to transition because she isn’t even phased by it. And we couldn’t be more proud of her Last night, once again, she went right to bed and slept all night long, no problems in her bed. And in the morning she’s even been staying there until she sees me getting up, then she gets out of her bed. This morning she woke up at 7 and I was hoping she’d go back to sleep but 20 minutes later she was still awake so I got up. But all that time she…
We started a new tradition for the end of Halloween. Sounds weird I know, but stay with me. Holly got two pumpkins this year and she’s been pretty attached to them. We never carved them, I don’t think should would of liked that. They had to be in her room at night when she went to bed and she carried them around the house with her too. Like I said she’s pretty attached to them.Steve mentioned to me on Halloween that he thought she would NOT be willing to part with them when they start to Rot….what would we do??? We talked about it and came up with an idea (rather than just taking them out of her room while she slept because we both…
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Cute hair cut Karen! You look great! Love the bath towel pictures too.
cute hair cut Karen. Love seeing the pictures of the girls – such absolute cuties!!!!