It’s Friday again….
Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share….
After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister….
Now that Holly is moved into her new room, we can start working on the nursery. I defiantly want to change the theme. I need something different because I’ve been looking at Holly’s room for almost 3 years. Change is good. We decided (well I guess really I decided) to paint the nursery yellow. I’ve been wanting a yellow room in my house and since my husband really isn’t into painting the rest of the house, why not have my yellow in the nursery. So to go along with that, I’ve been searching for he best girlie crib set that would go with the yellow room and finally my search is over. This is what I’ve decided on (notice I said I and not we,…
We had a nice Easter and the girls had so much fun. We are still having Easter Egg Hunts in the house. Did you know that the Easter Bunny left me a note saying he would be back this weekend to pick up all the empty plastic eggs. Yup! And then he will bring them back next year. Isn’t that nice of him?? (lol) I’m so glad because I have eggs EVERYWHERE in the house. Allison loves playing with the eggs too and dumps the bucket all over the floor several times a day. I’m glad she is enjoying them too, but we have lots of other toys too so it’s good that the EB is picking those up in a few days. Here are…
No more Momma or Dadda, it’s now Mommy and Daddy. “Thank you Mommy” and “I love you Daddy” Though I love this change because it shows she is growing up and her language is developing amazingly, it also means she’s not a baby anymore. We have just a few more things left of her ‘babyhood’ and once they are gone, it’s going to hit me hard. I see pictures like this one and notice how grown up she looks, but I can also still see her as a baby in my mind. Any mother can probably agree with me, it does go by so fast, almost in the blink of an eye. My mother has a Christmas tradition with her Grandchildren. Each year she buys…
Last night I went and got a very much needed pedicure with one of my oldest friends Kimberly. When I say oldest I mean we’ve been friends for a LONG time, she’s not really older than me. We figured out this year will be 25 years we’ve been friends. That’s a LONG time and a lot of history. But anyways, we had a nice time and we got out toes painted together. I decided to paint my toes Blue. Yup you heard that right, I said blue. Why not right?? Not like anyone is really going to see them. I figured Holly would get a kick out of it and she did. (Steve thinks I’m crazy but that’s nothing new) Holly hasn’t noticed my toes…
Allison is standing a LOT! Just about anything she can pull herself up on, she does. Saturday morning, Steve was holding her while she waited for her bottle and when I gave it to her, I told him he could just sit her down on the floor and she’d hold it all by herself. Well he figured he’d lean her against the couch, sitting down. She did NOT want to sit, she wanted to stand so when he put her down, she wouldn’t bend her legs so here is how he left her. It was so cute, I had to grab my camera and get a picture. Like I said, she’s standing A LOT! She loves to stand up and grab what ever Holly has…
I have been teaching Holly to hold up 2 fingers to show she is Two years old (One more month to go) and also I’ve been trying to catch on video her counting from 1 to 10. It hasn’t been easy, she doesn’t perform on command. We did try one afternoon this past week but all she was interested in was jumping and climbing up the side of the chair. Here she is….
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Cute hair cut Karen! You look great! Love the bath towel pictures too.
cute hair cut Karen. Love seeing the pictures of the girls – such absolute cuties!!!!