Easter Pictures
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
I’m so excited. One of my layouts (of Holly of course) is in the Top 10 for a contest at Scrap Town. Now the member’s get to vote on the winner. I looked at all the layouts today and boy do I have competition. I don’t think my layout is the best one there, but I’m so excited for it to be there with the rest of them. You can take a look here . My layout is #9 (in case you couldn’t figure that one out, LOL). You have to be a registered member to vote, but hey if you want to register and vote, then go right ahead! Cross your fingers for me. The prize is an 8 x 8 scrapbook. Poor little…
Well, my layout is in the mail and on it’s way to Scrapbook Trends. Of course, being a scrapbooker, I had to take a picture of the box and I had to take a picture of Holly with the box. For all you non-scrapbookers, don’t worry I don’t take pictures of all my mail before it goes to the post office, I’m not THAT CRAZY!!!! A few pictures of Holly I’d like to share. We have these BEAUTIFUL white flowers in the front of our house and I have NO idea what they are, but they are awesome and HUGE. The come out the middle of August and I wait for them all summer long. I took some pictures of them for my mother in…
I’ve been told I am a bad blogger so this post is out of guilt for not blogging for over a week!!! (Hi KIM). It’s been busy with the long weekend, trying to get things done and Holly’s been fighting a cough and up at night for a little bit so her and I have not had a full nights rest for 3 nights. Hopefully she’ll be better soon. Steve’s been fighting a cold and it’s just about gone, and luckily I’ve been feeling pretty good. Holly has a rocking horse she received for her 1st Christmas from her aunt and uncle. She’s never been on it, just pets the horse and says “good horsie”. I’ve been trying for a while to get her to…
Steve took a trip earlier in the month and Jodi and Little David stayed with us for a few days. The kids had so much fun, even Allison! David and Holly are at a great age and they love to pretend and it was just a fun time. I scrapbooked a few pages from their visit…. When I dressed the girls one day I happened to but them both in red, I didn’t plan that but, when Jodi saw what they were wearing, she decided to put David also in red so they all matched. She lined them up on the couch to take a picture because they looked so cute! She jokingly said to me “hey we should go have their picture taken somewhere”….
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they are sooooo cute. I smile every time I see these pictures.
Your girls are just adorable! Holly is looking so grown-up. & that picture is amazing!
Poor Holly doesn’t look too pleased in the first picture! What happened to “your baby”, she isn’t so little anymore!!! Tell them I love them and miss them very much.
P.S. The site needs updated pictures, please….