Easter Pictures
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
Holly finally went pee pees on the potty!!!! This is such a big thing for us because though she has sat on the potty many many times, she never actually did anything. Well on Thursday night, Steve and Holly talked about going on the potty and she said tomorrow. Not that we really believed her, but I did still ask her in the morning if she wanted to go on the potty. She said yes. So we went into the bathroom (all 3 of us, I was feeding Allison at the same time) and she sat down and in just about no time she got up and said “look mommy, pee pees” and I couldn’t believe my eyes, there were pee pees in the potty….
We had pretty busy weekend, but not too bad. Got a lot done. My inlaws are replacing their bed in the spare room with a bigger bed, so they gave us their old one, which is much more comfortable than the one we had in our spare room. So on Saturday they brought that over. Holly and Nana had a lot of fun playing in her new room with Dora’s castle. Holly loves when Nana comes over because she’s a FUN playmate. We visited with them and had a late lunch before they headed home. Then Steve, Holly and I hung out for the rest of the night. I pulled out the camera Saturday afternoon to take some pictures of Holly. She was in a…
I’m LOVIN the digital scrappin world so much. I never thought I’d enjoy it, but once you have a better idea of how to do it, it’s really easy and fun!! Here are my latest creations I made over the last 2 days. I guess purple was the theme. LOL I didn’t even realize that until just now.
On Saturday we all went for haircuts, including Allison. She really needed one and I couldn’t wait anymore. She has hair just like Holly’s and it’s very fine. The back isn’t growing in very well yet, just like Holly’s and I can’t not cut it like I did with Holly. I’ve learned so off to the hair dressers we all went. Allison did great getting her hair cut, she just didn’t want to sit in the chair, but that was OK, she let mommy hold her and had no problem at all letting Betsy cut her hair. I did take some pictures but my camera settings were still set for nighttime so they didn’t come out to well. Also she wouldn’t smile for the camera….
While Jodi was visiting, she did the girls hair… they look like Princess Lea in Star Wars (is that how to spell her name?) Jodi loves doing the girls hair because she has two boys. After she did their hair she wanted to take a picture of them but the girls were having one of their moments. They didn’t want to be next to each other or to even touch each other. So Jodi said to them “Make believe you like each other for a minute”. And this is the result of that….. Holly the little actress went along with it and ‘made believe’ she was going to put her arm around her sister. Allison pretty much stood there because she was told too trying…
The ceiling is finally dry and the basement as well. I felt like I was in a wind tunnel for 3 days, I don’t know if I could of taken one more day with all the noise from the blowers, but thankfully they took them away yesterday morning. We were hoping to get started with the repairs to the chimney and ceiling right away, but since it took so long to dry out, we can’t get an appointment until next week so it’s going to take a little longer than we hoped. Oh well, it’s out of our control. We have a tarp on the roof so at least if it rains (which it isn’t supposed to) we are all set this time. Holly and…
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they are sooooo cute. I smile every time I see these pictures.
Your girls are just adorable! Holly is looking so grown-up. & that picture is amazing!
Poor Holly doesn’t look too pleased in the first picture! What happened to “your baby”, she isn’t so little anymore!!! Tell them I love them and miss them very much.
P.S. The site needs updated pictures, please….