Getting better……..
Holly is still doing great in school, loving every minute of it and doing well. We are really proud of her!
Isn’t she getting big???
Holly is still doing great in school, loving every minute of it and doing well. We are really proud of her!
Isn’t she getting big???
Allison is a full fledged walker now and even tries to run at times. She no longer crawls! She started walking a bit right after her 1st Birthday and each week it got more and more and for about 10 days now it’s been a full time thing for her. We love to watch her walk, she waddles a bit still but is very steady. Her run is a really fast walking and it’s amazing she doesn’t fall over. Here is a video I took of her tonight walking back and forth down the hall to her room. I guess she was ‘dancing’ to the music and kept coming back to turn it on. She’s so cute. Holly had to get in on the action…
Orange Socks Holly hasn’t quite gotten to the point that she picks out the cloths she wants to wear but I know those moments are approaching us quickly after this weekend. I keep her socks in the top draw of the changing table and lately whenever we get dressed, she has to open the draw and insists that I put socks on her, even though I may not be putting shoes on her, she wants socks. Ok, that’s fine, I usually pick out a pair to match her outfit and give them too her. She tries first to put them on, then I finish the job and we are happy. Well yesterday she decided she was going to pick out the color of the socks…
When you are having fun and I really am with the girls. Holly is just getting so big and becoming more and more of big girl each day and the toddler is slowly fading away. She is pretty much potty trained, she only wears a pull up when we go out and at night. Even when we are out she will ask to go to the potty. Sometimes 3 and 4 times at one place, but I know I have to just go with it. She doesn’t use her little potty much anymore. She goes right into the bathroom and sits on the big potty all by herself and then comes to me to help her put her pants back on. It’s amazing how well…
I can’t believe I actually sat down to scrapbook this weekend. We’ve been so busy I haven’t taken the time out for myself. I LOVE to scrapbook but sometimes I just can’t find enough time to do it. It rained all weekend and I had some challenges to meet and that usually gets me going. Here are some of my pages from the weekend……
Holly loves to help mommy around the house. She actually wanted to wash dishes when she saw me doing it the other day. I promised her she could someday and intend to keep that promise! Her thing lately is every night she wants to set the dinner table, so I let her. I give her one thing at a time except for glasses and knives. She puts each plate where they belong, one for daddy, one for mommy and one for Holly. Then we move onto forks, napkins, plastic cups and then whatever extra things need to go on the table for that nights dinner. She loves doing this and she does a great job. The other night I took a picture of her table…
It’s been a bit since I posted because I’ve been in the hospital. I had my gallbladder removed. Didn’t plan on that and I would of rather not have gone through it, but it happened, it’s gone and now I just need to give it some time to heal to get back to ‘normal’..whatever that might be. For those of you that don’t know what happened…Here’s the story. It started Friday night while I was taking a scrapbook classat an LSS in CT. I thought it was gas pains and sat there and suffered for2 hours because I didn’t want to leave the class. I did ask around for some Tums or something but no one had any. I finally left and stopped to get…
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Oh she is really growing 🙂 That smile on her is precious. Glad she is feeling better.
Glad that she is growing and getting better!
Love the new banner with Holly in the snow! Such a great set of pictures.