Easter Pictures
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
This past weekend our friends Bob and Melissa were married in PA. They asked Holly to be a flower girl and she hasn’t stopped talking about it since that day. Well now she has even more to talk about. She was the cutest flower girl and did such a GREAT job. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of her. She didn’t even hesitate when she went down the aisle. She was having fun tossing the flowers along the way. Allison was also a hit since she looked so cute too. She was a very good girl during the ceremony and sat and ate her goldfish like a big girl. Of course she doesn’t say much yet so making lots of noise wasn’t the issue. Both…
That’s what I am… A bad blogger. Sorry. I just don’t get as many good pictures and videos of Holly lately. She’s onto me. When she see’s the camera she runs the other way. I guess after 10,000 pictures in less than 2 years, it gets pretty old. But today, she seemed to be in a good picture taking mood. So I got a few cute shots of her. I tried really hard because I know that some people are looking at my blog daily just to see another cute picture of Holly. I had dinner with my friend Kim the other night (Hi Kim) and she hinted around that I need to update more often. Here you go Kim, some pictures and another cute…
Allison turned 10 months old this week, hard to believe that she’ll be 1 in just two months. As I’ve said before, where did the time go???She’s doing really well. She has been crawling like crazy since Christmas and pulls herself up on everything and is now cruising along the furniture. She really has the desire to stand and move along but she hasn’t tried to take any of her own steps yet. Still not letting go. But her balance is getting better and better every week so she probably will be walking by her 1st birthday.She seems to be going through a growth spurt and is eating so much more lately, but not so much in the form of baby food, but in the…
While Jodi was visiting, she did the girls hair… they look like Princess Lea in Star Wars (is that how to spell her name?) Jodi loves doing the girls hair because she has two boys. After she did their hair she wanted to take a picture of them but the girls were having one of their moments. They didn’t want to be next to each other or to even touch each other. So Jodi said to them “Make believe you like each other for a minute”. And this is the result of that….. Holly the little actress went along with it and ‘made believe’ she was going to put her arm around her sister. Allison pretty much stood there because she was told too trying…
Today was Holly’s first day of her new preschool. She was VERY excited this morning and could not wait to get there. She got dressed right when she got up and was ready to go. We packed up her bag with the following items… Sunscreen Change of Cloths Blanket and Sheet Pillow Littlest Pet Shop Stuffed Penguin to sleep with during her nap And then we were out the door. I completely forgot to take a picture outside the front door, do you believe that! I will take one when we come home before going in the house so I’ll have it for the scrapbook. I’m so scatterbrained sometimes. When we got there she was a little shy. We met a few of her new…
Yesterday was Steve’s Birthday. Holly was all excited and told everyone she saw even the guy that came over to look at our roof! LOL. We bought him an ice cream cake, per Holly’s request and had a little party before bed. The girls enjoyed it, well mostly Holly. Tomorrow is Allison’s 1st Birthday! We had her party over the weekend, I will post pictures later. I can’t believe a year has gone by already!
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they are sooooo cute. I smile every time I see these pictures.
Your girls are just adorable! Holly is looking so grown-up. & that picture is amazing!
Poor Holly doesn’t look too pleased in the first picture! What happened to “your baby”, she isn’t so little anymore!!! Tell them I love them and miss them very much.
P.S. The site needs updated pictures, please….