Easter Pictures
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
“ok mom”“here it is, mom”“i love you, mom”“can I have a snack, mom?”“thank you, mom” That’s what I’ve been hearing from Holly for about a week now, “mom”. I still get the occasional “mommy” but most of the day, I am just “mom”. This seems a little to early to make the shift from “mommy” to “mom”. I mean, she’s only been 3 for 2 months. I don’t think I’m ready to be “mom”……I am still “mommy”. I need to slow down time, my Holly is growing up way too fast.
Last night Steve was taking pictures of me, every few weeks I get a belly shot so I can later scrapbook my progress. Anyways, Holly wanted to be in the picture, of course I did not mind at all. And then I had to get a kiss in, love kissing those cheeks!!! And we had to get a picture with daddy too. Oh how we love this little girl!!!!
That’s what I heard from the backseat of the car yesterday. At first I just smiled because she’s just so darn cute and then it hit me…. my 3 year old just counted backwards from 5!!!! I was so excited. I told her how great that was and how proud I am of her to count backwards and I said to her “Where did you learn to do that?” She said “at school mommy, the teacher told me”. How excited was I. Obviously school was a great idea. She is 9 months old this week. Can you believe that! Here is her monthly picture with the zebra…Here is her picture with the zebra the week she came home from the hospital. Looks like the baby…
Every year Nonnie (my mother) buys a new ornament for her grandchildren with each of their names for her Christmas Tree. Eventually the tree with be full of ornaments that say Jonathan, Kristopher, Holly and Allison. Then she’ll have the perfect tree! She likes to have the kids put the ornaments themselves and I always try to get a picture of it. Here are this year’s “ornament hanging pictures”. Allison wasn’t sure what she wanted her to do with it so Nonnie helped her. Holly was too quick so we didn’t get a picture of her putting it up, but she pointed to it for picture purposes, she’s such a great kid!
It’s hard to believe that Allison was 12 weeks old yesterday. She is getting so big and smiling all the time. She’s still sleeping great and last night she put herself to sleep in her crib, without my rocking her, that was great. She also rolled over onto her belly while playing on the bed with daddy last night. Mommy wasn’t in the room to see it, but that was OK because daddy never gets to see any firsts. She also LOVES to ‘talk’ to mommy (and everyone else, but especially with mommy). She just goes on and on babbling and cooing, I absolutely love our conversations. Last night I got her a Bumbo and she really enjoyed sitting in it this morning while mommy…
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they are sooooo cute. I smile every time I see these pictures.
Your girls are just adorable! Holly is looking so grown-up. & that picture is amazing!
Poor Holly doesn’t look too pleased in the first picture! What happened to “your baby”, she isn’t so little anymore!!! Tell them I love them and miss them very much.
P.S. The site needs updated pictures, please….