Easter Pictures
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
Here are some cute pictures of the girls in their dresses….
Allison playing with the eggs….
Here is a picture of a Bunny that Holly drew on her chalkboard. Not bad at all!
Today Holly’s big girl bed was delivered and she was so excited. We’ve been talking about the big girl bed for a couple of weeks now and she really seemed to ‘get it’. We even told her that baby sister was going to use her crib and she’s been OK with that too. This morning, I moved some of her toys out to make room for the bed and put her crib to the side of the room. When daddy got home, the three of us (Holly always helps) took her crib apart and moved it into the nursery. After the bed arrived today she went running in there and tried to get on it, but it took her a few tries to figure out…
We had a nice weekend, but it’s nice to get back into what ever normal is in our house. For Christmas Eve, my inlaws, my parents, Uncle Rick and Auntie Connie and our friend Melissa all came for a nice Italian dinner. Not the traditional italian christmas eve of fish and seafood, but my own version of an Italian dinner….Salad, homemade Lasagna, homemade meatballs and sausage, homemade eggplant parm and lots of yummy Italian bread!! What’s an Italian meal with out yummy bread. OH and top that off with a real yummy Italian dessert with lots of cream and friut. I have no idea what it was called but it was good!!! We all enjoyed it very much and we ate way too much, both…
I don’t normally get great pictures of my mother because she hates to smile. She says she doesn’t know ‘how’ too (sorry mom, but you do!). Well I finally got a perfect picture of her and Holly and they are both smiling pefectly!! I scrapbooked it right away and I love how it came out. I found a quote that I thought would be great for this page because there wasn’t really a story to tell about the picture. It says “Grandma’s are mommies with lots of practice”. PERFECT!!
One of my layouts has been published in a scrapbook magazine. I found out back in August. You can read that thread here. This is something that I’ve been wanting and waiting for a LONG time. If it never happens again, I will be happy that it happened once. But of course I will continue to try for future publications. My copy of the magazine finally arrived yesterday. I really think I was the last one to receive a copy because I wanted it so bad. I was so happy, almost starting jumping up and down again screaming, but Holly was napping so I couldn’t. They choose my layout titled “10 Think I Love About You” for their section titled “What I love about you”…
Wednesday Holly and I had a Target shopping date with Jodi and Lil David. We had a very nice time and the kids were so good. At first Holly didn’t want David sitting in the car next to her but soon he was making her laugh and they really had a great time. All David wants to do is hold Holly’s hand, but she thinks wants to take her stuff (maybe he does sometimes) but most of the time he just wants to touch her and make her laugh. They are so cute together and they really do seem to enjoy each other. Whenever we were out of their site in Target you could hear Holly say “David, where are you??” it was too cute….
This past weekend we took Holly to the pumpkin patch. She had so much fun there last year, we know she’d enjoy it even more this year, and she did! She tried picking up all the pumpkins but most were too heavy. She kept running from pumpkin to pumpkin saying “help me, help me” because she was desperate to pick them up. It was so cute. Here are some pictures…. The Pumpkin Patch Holly and Daddy The Pumpkins And finally, the two pumpkins she got to take home…..
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they are sooooo cute. I smile every time I see these pictures.
Your girls are just adorable! Holly is looking so grown-up. & that picture is amazing!
Poor Holly doesn’t look too pleased in the first picture! What happened to “your baby”, she isn’t so little anymore!!! Tell them I love them and miss them very much.
P.S. The site needs updated pictures, please….