It’s Friday again….
Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share….
After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister….
The girls had a BLAST on Halloween this year. Holly was counting down the days while Allison had no clue. We go to downtown Westerly where they close down the street (yes, town is so small it’s just one street LOL) and the stores all pass out candy. We went for the first time last year and really enjoyed it so we decided to do that every year. We really can’t walk the street and trick o treat where we live anyway. We we got there Allison was in awe just looking around trying to figure out what was going on, it was really cute. The first few times someone put something in her bucket she was a little confused, but caught on quick and…
I have a blog. Not really sure if this is for me but since I read so many of them, Steve suggested that I start my own. The only question is, what am I going to write about??? Holly??? Scrapbooking??? Ok, those will work! Bare with me please, I’m not a good writer (or a good there spell check on here) but I’ll try my best. I usually send out emails on updates with Holly so why not just post it here and then I have everything in the same spot so when I want to scrapbook what she does, I can just come here. So I’m going to give it a try. Please be kind in your comments. I do want to hear…
I think I use that blog post title quite often but I can’t help it, my girls are cute! Allison usually gives me that scrunched up nose smile like Holly used to do give me but I was able to catch her before she did it and this is what I got and yes, she is “so cute”. I didn’t expect Allison to be able to wear many of Holly’s cloths because they were born opposite seasons but it actually worked out pretty well and Allison has been able to wear a lot of them. This outfit is one of the ones that was Holly’s and I’m glad we got more use out of it. Doesn’t she look ‘so cute’ in it? 🙂
I can’t believe it but Holly is 4 years old today. How fast did that happen? Wow! She is such a sweet girl too. We had a birthday party for her yesterday and she loved all her presents and had such sweet reactions to. Today we opened up some of the toys and she just had a ball. I’m trying to hold her off from opening them all so she doesn’t get tired of them too fast. We’ll see how long it takes to get them all opened. Allison has been enjoying her presents too. One of Holly’s favorite toys she received is Hungry Hungry Hippos. She’s been asking for this for a while and her godparents gave it to her. That was the first…
Well we’ve realized that we should start trying to Potty Train Holly. Not exactly sure how to go about it but the first step was to open the box with the Potty that’s been sitting in my dining room for 2 months now. So last night I did exactly that, put it together and put it next to the toilet in the bathroom. When it was time for Holly’s bath I said to her… “Do you want to sit on the potty and do pee pee’s?” She got all excited sat down smiled for the camera and then got up. Then she went back, sat down, smiled for the camera again and then got up. We did this about 5 times without any pee pee’s….
Wednesday Holly and I had a Target shopping date with Jodi and Lil David. We had a very nice time and the kids were so good. At first Holly didn’t want David sitting in the car next to her but soon he was making her laugh and they really had a great time. All David wants to do is hold Holly’s hand, but she thinks wants to take her stuff (maybe he does sometimes) but most of the time he just wants to touch her and make her laugh. They are so cute together and they really do seem to enjoy each other. Whenever we were out of their site in Target you could hear Holly say “David, where are you??” it was too cute….
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Cute hair cut Karen! You look great! Love the bath towel pictures too.
cute hair cut Karen. Love seeing the pictures of the girls – such absolute cuties!!!!