It’s Friday again….
Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share….
After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister….
Last night I went and got a very much needed pedicure with one of my oldest friends Kimberly. When I say oldest I mean we’ve been friends for a LONG time, she’s not really older than me. We figured out this year will be 25 years we’ve been friends. That’s a LONG time and a lot of history. But anyways, we had a nice time and we got out toes painted together. I decided to paint my toes Blue. Yup you heard that right, I said blue. Why not right?? Not like anyone is really going to see them. I figured Holly would get a kick out of it and she did. (Steve thinks I’m crazy but that’s nothing new) Holly hasn’t noticed my toes…
Nana and Papa came for a visit Saturday and as usual, Nana came bearing presents for Holly and her baby sister. One of Holly’s presents was a Tutu and a Tiara. Holly LOVED them and immediately wanted to put them on. She looked way too cute and of course I grabbed the camera, and she grabbed Nana’s hand to dance around like a Ballerina. After we all visited for a while, we decided to take a ride to the beach so Holly could play with the pail and shovels that Nana also brought her. It was a little cool there, but not too bad. Of course, Holly didn’t even realize it was cold, she just loves going to the beach and playing in the sand….
Holly loves her daddy so much and she gets so excited when he comes home from work. Most nights I open up the door so she can watch for him as he pulls in the driveway. She loves to sit there and watch and wait….. Another thing she likes to do with daddy is sit with him and watch tv. She doesn’t usually stay very long but when she does, her favorite spot is sitting inside his folded legs. It’s so cute. I’m so glad that they have such a wonderful relationship.
The girls are getting bigger and having trouble sharing at times, but not always. They do a good job keeping each other busy and really do love each other. When Allison and I pick up Holly from school, Allison gets giddy when we pull into the school parking lot. When Allison gets up from a nap Holly is so excited to go in and see her. They hug each other before bed and I love seeing that. I haven’t been able to catch a good picture of the two of them together in a while until today. I just love how this came out. This one will be going in a frame. And the best part, they got their two best friends in the picture,…
At least while we are home and she isn’t sleeping. That is Holly of course. She is finally potty training and it’s going so well in such a short period of time. A few weeks ago she started going occasionally on the potty at my mom’s house, but not here. Well, last week I started asking her more and more if she wanted to go on the potty and each time her answer was “no mommy, not now, no potty, I too big” Obviously she doesn’t realize that because she is big she needs to go on the potty, she gets confused. But anyway, buy Friday I realized that I just needed to take off her diaper and NOT put another one on, then she…
As I promised Holly when we made cookies Saturday night, she got to have 1 (or 2 or 3) the next day and she loved them. She sat right at her little table and ate her cookies, it was really cute. She’s all dressed up to go to a christmas party at my mom’s house with all their friends. I think she looked adorable. She loves sitting at her table, as I’ve mentioned before. Dora is on the back of one chair (which you can see from the picture) and Boots (or Bootsie as Holly calls him) is on the back of the other chair. Well we figured out that the chair with Boots is Holly’s chair. You see, Pooh sits at the table with…
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Cute hair cut Karen! You look great! Love the bath towel pictures too.
cute hair cut Karen. Love seeing the pictures of the girls – such absolute cuties!!!!