It’s Friday again….
Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share….
After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister….
I can’t believe how big the girls are getting. I look at Holly and the baby is gone and so is the toddler. She is getting to be such a big girl it amazes me that not to long ago she was a baby. It’s like I blinked and she’s 3 1/2. And I know November will be here before we know it and she’ll be 4!!! Allison, wow she grew too fast. Funny how the first year for the second baby seems to fly by! I can’t believe she is already ONE and walking and trying to run and feeding herself (not all the time but she takes over pretty fast). I was thinking about it today, she’ll be out of her crib this…
Michelle tagged me so here it goes… 5 things in my fridge: 1. Dora yogurt 2. cottage cheese 3. Land o Lakes American Cheese 4. Whole Milk 5. Leftover Carrots for Holly 5 things in my closet: 1. a basket of cloths to be ironed (someday, we have plenty of cloths!) 2. Birthday wrapping paper 3. mother day’s gifts for my mothers 4. our bedroom air conditioner 5. new state quarters collection 5 things in my purse: 1. A diaper 2. wipes 3. my wallet 4. a snack for Holly 5. Toys for Holly 5 things in my car: 1. CD’s 2. car seat 3. loose change 4. wipes 5. mail that I didn’t drop off today 5 things in your yard: 1. A pile…
Holly was enjoying some blueberries this weekend, but it got pretty messy so we moved to the highchair. She had a blue mouth and blue fingers, she looks so cute! I took some pictures of her and she was being so silly. She’s a happy girl even when she’s blue!
I have a blog. Not really sure if this is for me but since I read so many of them, Steve suggested that I start my own. The only question is, what am I going to write about??? Holly??? Scrapbooking??? Ok, those will work! Bare with me please, I’m not a good writer (or a good there spell check on here) but I’ll try my best. I usually send out emails on updates with Holly so why not just post it here and then I have everything in the same spot so when I want to scrapbook what she does, I can just come here. So I’m going to give it a try. Please be kind in your comments. I do want to hear…
Holly is turning into a big girl right before our eyes. Just about everything baby about her has disappeared. Before we know it…………Nope I won’t even go there! LOL She’s been battling a cough the past few days so we’ve been giving her lots of medicine. She’s such a BIG girl now that she can have he medicine in the little dosing cup and drink it all by herself. I’m so proud of her every time I watch her drink it all up. We call it special juicy so she’ll drink it and usually she’ll say to me “yum yum special juicy good!”. Oh how I love her!!! Here are some pictures of her drinking her ‘special juicy’. Enjoy………….
Allison loves wearing every one’s shoes, I think I’ve mentioned this before. She looks so stinking cute when she wears the pink high heels. Please ignore the pacifier in her mouth, I know she’s almost 2. She only has it at night but we’ve been fighting illness after illness and well… I give in way to easy and why am I explaining myself LOL :). As I was saying, she looks so stinking cute… and she knows it. Of course “Z” got in on the picture. She’s getting more and more attached to him!The shoes are just a tad bit too big for her!
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Cute hair cut Karen! You look great! Love the bath towel pictures too.
cute hair cut Karen. Love seeing the pictures of the girls – such absolute cuties!!!!