The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
I haven’t scrapped a page in over a month (not counting digital and a few projects I’m working on). I just couldn’t seem to get the creative juices flowing. Yesterday I finally sat down and started working on some things. 5 layouts later….I’m pretty happy to be back into it. I’m hoping to get more done this week. I have so many pictures so there’s always plenty to do!!! All these pages were done using kits from Personal Scrapper. Here’s what I did…. Thanks for looking!!!
Sorry it’s been over a week since I posted but I just haven’t had a thing to say. I know that seems strange for me but really it’s the truth!! Holly is doing great, saying more and more every single day. It’s so great to be able to communicate with her but there are still times when we don’t know what she’s saying. One thing she continues to say to us is “merry christmas”. I think it’s so cute when she says it. She obviously has no idea what it means, but she’s only 2 and that’s what makes it cute. When Steve was leaving the other day, she was saying goodbye to him and told him she loved him and then she was saying…
The baby’s room is finally yellow. I am SO happy with how it’s turned out. We will put one more coat on this weekend, but it looks so GREAT! I was so afraid that the color was going to be wrong, when ever I pick out paint, once it’s mixed and bought, I second guess myself the entire time until it’s up on the walls. I couldn’t be more happier about the way this room has turned out. I can NOT WAIT to get the nursery set up now. Here are some pictures of our new Yellow room. Of course when little miss Holly saw me with the camera she came running down the hall yelling ‘cheese’ and making her silly little smile face, so…
The Knight Family came to visit us last weekend and the kids were so excited to see each other. David went right up to baby Allison to give her a kiss…….it was so cute. They were late getting here and Holly was not happy about that. LOL The next day she told David that they were late because his Daddy drove slow…… cute is that!! I love the mind of a three year old! It was a nice visit, quick of course but we were glad to have them. Just a few pictures of the 3 of them having Popsicle’s together.
I have a blog. Not really sure if this is for me but since I read so many of them, Steve suggested that I start my own. The only question is, what am I going to write about??? Holly??? Scrapbooking??? Ok, those will work! Bare with me please, I’m not a good writer (or a good there spell check on here) but I’ll try my best. I usually send out emails on updates with Holly so why not just post it here and then I have everything in the same spot so when I want to scrapbook what she does, I can just come here. So I’m going to give it a try. Please be kind in your comments. I do want to hear…
That’s what Holly said today when I pointed to a picture of me! Finally I’m not “dada”. That’s what she usually says when she sees a picture of me but today she said “tat mommum” tat is That which she’s never said before. I’m so happy!!!! I don’t know if she’ll say it again, but at least she’s trying!!! These are the little things that make my day brighter, especially when it started earlier than I wanted it to. She slept better last night, but was up early again. Those darn teeth! I can’t wait until they are all out. Well I guess I really don’t want to rush that, because then it means she’s getting bigger which I’ve been having a hard time dealing…
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!