The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
Holly and I had a craft day today (Monday) and we had so much fun. I pulled out the washable markers and gave her lots of paper and sat her across the table from me while I scrapbooked. My best friend Jodi challenged me to do some pages this weekend, but I never got to it. Today I sat us both done and went to town. Holly had a lot of fun with the markers, and thankfully they were washable because she made a mess, a cute mess, but a mess. Hope you all have a good week!!!
Today was Holly’s first day of her new preschool. She was VERY excited this morning and could not wait to get there. She got dressed right when she got up and was ready to go. We packed up her bag with the following items… Sunscreen Change of Cloths Blanket and Sheet Pillow Littlest Pet Shop Stuffed Penguin to sleep with during her nap And then we were out the door. I completely forgot to take a picture outside the front door, do you believe that! I will take one when we come home before going in the house so I’ll have it for the scrapbook. I’m so scatterbrained sometimes. When we got there she was a little shy. We met a few of her new…
We had a very nice weekend. Actually the it started on Thursday for us. We arrived in Agawam Thursday morning because Steve had to work up there on Thursday and we returned home Sunday afternoon. We had a great time. Holly did fantastic while we were there. She wasn’t even bothered by the fact that we weren’t home for 4 days. She’s so great. Being away from home seemed to inspire her to say more words. She says mama all the time now. She would say it from time to time but it is a regular word for us now and I LOVE to hear it. She also started saying Slow, More and Ball. Too cute! Love to hear that little voice, it’s the best…
Wow I can’t believe that it’s January again!!! Each year seems to go by faster and faster the older I get. And now that I have a child, I can defiently see how fast time goes by, it’s amazing how big Holly is getting. She’s no longer a baby and it shows through every single day. She is saying so much, and so well too. Every week she is adding more and more words to her vocabulary it’s amazing! I need to work on Potty training a little bit more and see if it’s possible to get her trained before baby comes along, but I’m not sure if it will happen, but I’ll try. It would be nice to only have 1 in diapers, but…
I’ve been tagged by Candice . This is long…blame her! Just kidding….here it goes… Twelve Movies (not in any order) 1. Lord of The Rings2. Clueless3. Jerry McQuire4. Ever After5. 50 First Dates6. Sixteen Candles7.The Breakfast club8. Harry Potter9. The Wedding Singer10. Father of the Bride11. My Best Friends Wedding12. The Patriot Eleven Good Bands/Artists (not in any order) 1. Jimmy Buffet2. Madonna3. Kelly Clarkson4. Bon Jovi5. Bee Gees6. Motley Crue7. New Kids on the Block (Ok I liked them when I was younger but I had to come up with 11!!)8. Janet Jackson9. The Bangles10. Jennifer Lopez11. Night Ranger Ten Things About You (delete after the … part and fill in with your answer) 1. I’m … really sweet!2. My favorite color … Is…
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!