The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
Holly received a LOT of gifts for Christmas but we haven’t opened everything up just yet. I’m pulling things out as needed. Well yesterday she needed something different to play with so I opened her new AquaDoodle. It’s like the MagnaDoodle only you use water and there is NO MESS AT ALL. Well she absolutely LOVED IT! (Thanks Cuozzo Cousins!). She sat there for about 45 mins (which is a long time in toddler land) and just wrote and stamped her little heart out. The mat is made with special material that turns blue when anything wet hits it and then disappears when it drys. It’s never ending fun. I was so happy she enjoyed it so much. This morning the first thing she did…
It’s been a while since we’ve had a picture of the four cousins so we decided to take on at Allison’s Birthday Party. Of course it’s impossible to get them all to smile perfectly at the same time. But they are kids and they are cute! Allison – 3 years oldHolly – 5 years oldKristopher – 8 years oldJonathan – 12 years old
Holly finally went pee pees on the potty!!!! This is such a big thing for us because though she has sat on the potty many many times, she never actually did anything. Well on Thursday night, Steve and Holly talked about going on the potty and she said tomorrow. Not that we really believed her, but I did still ask her in the morning if she wanted to go on the potty. She said yes. So we went into the bathroom (all 3 of us, I was feeding Allison at the same time) and she sat down and in just about no time she got up and said “look mommy, pee pees” and I couldn’t believe my eyes, there were pee pees in the potty….
This past weekend our friends Bob and Melissa were married in PA. They asked Holly to be a flower girl and she hasn’t stopped talking about it since that day. Well now she has even more to talk about. She was the cutest flower girl and did such a GREAT job. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of her. She didn’t even hesitate when she went down the aisle. She was having fun tossing the flowers along the way. Allison was also a hit since she looked so cute too. She was a very good girl during the ceremony and sat and ate her goldfish like a big girl. Of course she doesn’t say much yet so making lots of noise wasn’t the issue. Both…
One of my layouts has been published in a scrapbook magazine. I found out back in August. You can read that thread here. This is something that I’ve been wanting and waiting for a LONG time. If it never happens again, I will be happy that it happened once. But of course I will continue to try for future publications. My copy of the magazine finally arrived yesterday. I really think I was the last one to receive a copy because I wanted it so bad. I was so happy, almost starting jumping up and down again screaming, but Holly was napping so I couldn’t. They choose my layout titled “10 Think I Love About You” for their section titled “What I love about you”…
Have you heard of ebates? It’s a website that gives you cash back when you shop online. I’ve been using it a lot lately and I’m very happy with the selection of stores that they have. They usually give you $5 when you first sign up but right now they are offering a special. If you sign up now you will get $10 to start you off!! That’s a really great deal. If you are not already a member you can Join Here. It’s really easy to use too. All you have to do is before you shop online, go to ebates, sign into your account and search for the store your looking for. As long as you click the link to that store while…
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!