The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
We were up early again today. Poor little Holly, it must be so tough when those gums hurt. I’m sure that’s what the problem is. She tossed and turned all night. Mommy doesn’t get to sleep much on those nights but I can sleep in (until 8 at least) the next few mornings because Steve will be home. I’m so glad he’s an early riser! This morning while I was checking my email, Holly came walking down the hall wearing one of my slippers. That was the first time she did that, and it was so cute! I tried to get a picture but it didn’t come to great. I had a bad angle and then of course she walked away from the slipper. She…
We have these absolutely BEAUTIFUL flowers out front along the road that we have NO IDEA what they are (the previous owner planted them). I’ve even had people stop and ring my bell asking me what they were. They are HUGE and they really do catch your eyes. Well my mother in law showed some one a picture and they told her they were Hibiscus. At first I wasn’t sure when I looked in my BIG BOOK OF FLOWERS but then I did some research online and found out there are about 200 different species of Hisbiscus and with further research I found the ones we have. They are called Hibiscus – Blue River II . So happy that we’ve figured it out. Here are…
Holly turned 18 months last week. Amazing how fast that went by. She went for her 18 month checkup yesterday and did great. She still wasn’t to crazy about getting weighed (which I can’t blame her) but she did much better than she did at 15 months. She weighs 22lbs and is 31 1/4 inches tall. Perfect! She was a wild women in the exam room. She was all over the place running, jumping, spinning, laughing, talking etc. The doctor was very impressed with all of her. She’s so funny!! She didn’t like the 2 shots she got and she pulled the band aid right off, but after it was done, it was done. Here’s a few pictures from last week, she’s figured out how…
I’m sure you’ve all seen The Big Toy Book that Toy’s R Us put out every year?? Well it arrived in this weekends paper and we kept it for our Christmas shopping. I was showing Steve a few things in the book and when I left it on the couch, Holly grabbed and and began to look through and make her ‘list’. It was the cutest thing, she just kept turning page after page and saying “Dora, Boots”….I had to snap some pictures. I guess this is just the first year of many that she’ll grab that book and make her list.
Here are some more pictures from Bob and Melissa’s wedding: Melissa and her DadThe VowsThe best man, Jeff, handing over the ringsThe Kiss (sorry it’s a big blurry, I couldn’t use my flash)One flower girl and One ring bearerGetting attacked by Bubbles!I caught this moment, it wasn’t posed. Bob was just checking out the rings. I love this picture!The flower girls, ring bearers, and Jr usher.Melissa’s family. I didn’t catch a picture of Bob’s family.The best man Jeff, doing what Jeff does best, taking pictures.Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaffenThe Happy CoupleThe beautiful cake. I loved the colors she choose.The first dance as husband and wife!Father / Daughter DanceMother / Son DanceDaddy dancing with his girls(it was getting late and I changed Allison in case she…
So glad today is Friday. I like Fridays..especially if we go out for pizza, which we will do as long as Holly takes an afternoon snooze. I’m not sure if that will happen because she slept in a little today so we’ll have to see. Not to much to write today..just wanted to past a few cute pictures of Holly that were taken earlier in the month. Enjoy!!! Reading one of her Favorite Books… Where’s the Banana Holly??? Silly girl. Are you ready for Spring?? I am!!! Have a great weekend!!
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!