The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
This past week the girls and I went to Mystic with Nana and Papa (Steve’s parents). It was so crowded but we still had a good time. The girls loved it. They went a few weeks ago with Steve but he didn’t have the camera with him but I had it this time. Holly was a little scared at first when she saw the big whales, but she got over that pretty quickly. Allison just looked and smiled at everything. Here are some pictures…. Holly was very excited to see the fish!Allison was enjoying the sealsThe penguins are mommy’s favorite part!See the frog??Holly was so brave. She went into the bird area and fed the birds and even held one. I was so proud of…
I hope! Holly is back to herself, like she’d never even been sick. I’m glad for that..I missed her little spirit running around the house talking on her phone, playing with her little people, dancing with dora. All that is back and more. Now we need to get Mommy back on the mend. I ended up catching what she had and was in bed Friday night when Steve got home. I spent the day in bed on Saturday and Sunday I was started to feel better. So far so good today. Now lets just hope that Steve doesn’t catch it. Tomorrow I plan on disinfecting the house to get rid of this bug. I just don’t have all my energy back today to do it….
We finally got some more snow. Holly was super excited because she got to go out and play in the snow. And Daddy was also super excited because he got to play with her in the snow, something he’s never had the chance to do because by the time he gets home it’s always too dark and it hardly ever snows. They both had a lot of fun. I picked up a little disc like sled for her last time it snowed and she had a blast sledding down the little hill in our side yard. Here are some pictures…..
We have these absolutely BEAUTIFUL flowers out front along the road that we have NO IDEA what they are (the previous owner planted them). I’ve even had people stop and ring my bell asking me what they were. They are HUGE and they really do catch your eyes. Well my mother in law showed some one a picture and they told her they were Hibiscus. At first I wasn’t sure when I looked in my BIG BOOK OF FLOWERS but then I did some research online and found out there are about 200 different species of Hisbiscus and with further research I found the ones we have. They are called Hibiscus – Blue River II . So happy that we’ve figured it out. Here are…
This past weekend our friends Bob and Melissa were married in PA. They asked Holly to be a flower girl and she hasn’t stopped talking about it since that day. Well now she has even more to talk about. She was the cutest flower girl and did such a GREAT job. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of her. She didn’t even hesitate when she went down the aisle. She was having fun tossing the flowers along the way. Allison was also a hit since she looked so cute too. She was a very good girl during the ceremony and sat and ate her goldfish like a big girl. Of course she doesn’t say much yet so making lots of noise wasn’t the issue. Both…
Today was Holly’s first day of her new preschool. She was VERY excited this morning and could not wait to get there. She got dressed right when she got up and was ready to go. We packed up her bag with the following items… Sunscreen Change of Cloths Blanket and Sheet Pillow Littlest Pet Shop Stuffed Penguin to sleep with during her nap And then we were out the door. I completely forgot to take a picture outside the front door, do you believe that! I will take one when we come home before going in the house so I’ll have it for the scrapbook. I’m so scatterbrained sometimes. When we got there she was a little shy. We met a few of her new…
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!