The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
We are happy to announce that we will be having our second baby girl in April and she looks great! Everything in the ultrasound is perfect and we are so excited. All those cloths of Holly’s that she didn’t get to wear much because she has so many, will have a change to be worn by her little sister. Here’s her first profile picture…….. can you see her nose and ear???? And here’s a picture of one of her legs…….. see her foot to the left??? When we got there we told him we did want to know the sex and the first thing that we saw when he put the thingy on my belly was this…….. I took one look at the picture and…
I guess you could say that Holly is potty trained. She wears her big girl undies all day except when we go out, then she puts on a pull up even though she doesn’t want to. Until she get’s better at it, I feel better if she has a pull up on. She is even going on the Big Potty and we are so proud, but mommy has to hold her because she is afraid she’ll fall in. She’s doing great and doesn’t even wet her pull up most of the time when she has it on. The only time she does is if she is sleeping, but I know that will get better. We are so proud of her, she caught on really quickly…
This past week the girls and I went to Mystic with Nana and Papa (Steve’s parents). It was so crowded but we still had a good time. The girls loved it. They went a few weeks ago with Steve but he didn’t have the camera with him but I had it this time. Holly was a little scared at first when she saw the big whales, but she got over that pretty quickly. Allison just looked and smiled at everything. Here are some pictures…. Holly was very excited to see the fish!Allison was enjoying the sealsThe penguins are mommy’s favorite part!See the frog??Holly was so brave. She went into the bird area and fed the birds and even held one. I was so proud of…
Allison is usually very good about going to bed. She has been from the beginning. We didn’t have to go through any kind of sleep training with her, like we did with Holly. And I’m happy about that because it wasn’t easy. When it’s time for her to go to bed I tell her and then she goes to give Steve a hug and kiss (and she pats him on the back while she hugs him, it’s so cute) and then she runs up to Holly and puts her arms all the way around her, sometimes almost knocking her over. And then I get my hug and kiss and off to bed with Zebra. I kept meaning to get a picture of her hugging Holly…
Allison loves wearing every one’s shoes, I think I’ve mentioned this before. She looks so stinking cute when she wears the pink high heels. Please ignore the pacifier in her mouth, I know she’s almost 2. She only has it at night but we’ve been fighting illness after illness and well… I give in way to easy and why am I explaining myself LOL :). As I was saying, she looks so stinking cute… and she knows it. Of course “Z” got in on the picture. She’s getting more and more attached to him!The shoes are just a tad bit too big for her!
Now that Holly is moved into her new room, we can start working on the nursery. I defiantly want to change the theme. I need something different because I’ve been looking at Holly’s room for almost 3 years. Change is good. We decided (well I guess really I decided) to paint the nursery yellow. I’ve been wanting a yellow room in my house and since my husband really isn’t into painting the rest of the house, why not have my yellow in the nursery. So to go along with that, I’ve been searching for he best girlie crib set that would go with the yellow room and finally my search is over. This is what I’ve decided on (notice I said I and not we,…
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!