The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
Tonight my little girl turned into the cutest little Lady Bug!!! She LOVED trick or treating so much. She wouldn’t say trick or treat to the people at the door, but she did say thank you and bye bye to each one of them. We took her to about 12 houses and she had a GREAT TIME. So much she didn’t want to stop. It was cute. We are glad she enjoyed it, though at first she was a little confused as to what was going on, but she caught on pretty fast. Here are a few of my favorite pictures…enjoy!!! My Little LADY BUG!!!! Trick or Treat!! Bug meets Bug Daddy and his Little Lady The Crazy BunchIn the back, my brother’s mother in…
That’s what I heard from the backseat of the car yesterday. At first I just smiled because she’s just so darn cute and then it hit me…. my 3 year old just counted backwards from 5!!!! I was so excited. I told her how great that was and how proud I am of her to count backwards and I said to her “Where did you learn to do that?” She said “at school mommy, the teacher told me”. How excited was I. Obviously school was a great idea. She is 9 months old this week. Can you believe that! Here is her monthly picture with the zebra…Here is her picture with the zebra the week she came home from the hospital. Looks like the baby…
We are all here and well, just not much to say. Steve told me I really needed to update the blog and when I told him I didn’t really have much to say or any pictures to share, he told me that I was wrong. I should be talking about how Allison is trying to crawl. So here is my post just for Steve (love you honey!) Allison is crawling, not perfectly yet, but she’s doing REALLY well. She still mostly does the ‘army crawl’ but every now and then she gets up on all fours and moves a few steps. It’s cute! And we are excited that she’s doing so well but I’m also sad that my baby is getting big WAY TO FAST!…
It’s hard to believe that Allison was 12 weeks old yesterday. She is getting so big and smiling all the time. She’s still sleeping great and last night she put herself to sleep in her crib, without my rocking her, that was great. She also rolled over onto her belly while playing on the bed with daddy last night. Mommy wasn’t in the room to see it, but that was OK because daddy never gets to see any firsts. She also LOVES to ‘talk’ to mommy (and everyone else, but especially with mommy). She just goes on and on babbling and cooing, I absolutely love our conversations. Last night I got her a Bumbo and she really enjoyed sitting in it this morning while mommy…
Our First Snow, for this year that is. It snowed today and Holly was so happy. It didn’t really snow last year, nothing that she could play in and the year before she doesn’t remember so today was a fun day! Believe it or not, her snowsuit I bought her last year fits her perfectly, she’s so tiny. So that worked out well since I didn’t buy another one this year. She patiently waited for Allison to go down for her afternoon nap so we could go outside. Here are some pictures of her all bundled up having fun. Her had kept falling over her eyes. She was so cute!She had a blast!!!
The girls got another trunk full of dress up cloths from Auntie Jodi for Christmas. They love playing dress up. This particular morning Holly just looked adorable. She is quite the fashionista! And a cute close up of my princess… Allison was showing me the picture that her and Holly drew online of Max & Ruby. I think they did a pretty good job! Holly is very artistic, she pretty much did all the drawings. Allison has her Cinderella dress on behind the picture, half on half off. My other Princess.
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!