The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
I guess you could say that Holly is potty trained. She wears her big girl undies all day except when we go out, then she puts on a pull up even though she doesn’t want to. Until she get’s better at it, I feel better if she has a pull up on. She is even going on the Big Potty and we are so proud, but mommy has to hold her because she is afraid she’ll fall in. She’s doing great and doesn’t even wet her pull up most of the time when she has it on. The only time she does is if she is sleeping, but I know that will get better. We are so proud of her, she caught on really quickly…
I’ve been tagged by Candice . This is long…blame her! Just kidding….here it goes… Twelve Movies (not in any order) 1. Lord of The Rings2. Clueless3. Jerry McQuire4. Ever After5. 50 First Dates6. Sixteen Candles7.The Breakfast club8. Harry Potter9. The Wedding Singer10. Father of the Bride11. My Best Friends Wedding12. The Patriot Eleven Good Bands/Artists (not in any order) 1. Jimmy Buffet2. Madonna3. Kelly Clarkson4. Bon Jovi5. Bee Gees6. Motley Crue7. New Kids on the Block (Ok I liked them when I was younger but I had to come up with 11!!)8. Janet Jackson9. The Bangles10. Jennifer Lopez11. Night Ranger Ten Things About You (delete after the … part and fill in with your answer) 1. I’m … really sweet!2. My favorite color … Is…
That’s what I am… A bad blogger. Sorry. I just don’t get as many good pictures and videos of Holly lately. She’s onto me. When she see’s the camera she runs the other way. I guess after 10,000 pictures in less than 2 years, it gets pretty old. But today, she seemed to be in a good picture taking mood. So I got a few cute shots of her. I tried really hard because I know that some people are looking at my blog daily just to see another cute picture of Holly. I had dinner with my friend Kim the other night (Hi Kim) and she hinted around that I need to update more often. Here you go Kim, some pictures and another cute…
Today was moving day, for Holly at least. We finally finished painting her new room and it’s all ready for her. We began by moving her crib into the room this morning, boy was that fun. We were really hoping not to have to take the entire crib apart but we had to unassemble quite a bit of it to get it through the doors. Live and Learn. We’ve decided to move her with the crib first and then when she is nice and settled in there, we’ll get her a bed. Then we had to break for haircuts. Steve and Holly both needed haircuts so we went to see Betsy today. This was the first time we were attempted to have someone cut Holly’s…
I’ve been slacking on this blog, I’m sorry. I’ve been spending so much time on my other blog that I keep forgetting to put up some new pictures of the girls. So here are a bunch of random photos from January 09. We got more snow on New Years Day so the girls were able to wear the new snowsuits that Nonnie gave them for Christmas. I love the Blue on them. Allison really enjoys the snow. They both wanted to help shovel too, so they got their sand shovels and gave mommy and daddy a hand. Allison loves getting her picture taken. And I love taking it! Allison just looked so cute cuddling with Zebra I had to grab the camera.
We had a great weekend. There were over 75 people here on Saturday and everyone had a great time. We had a HUGE pool party and a Surprise 60th Birthday Party for my father. We were lucky that the clouds stayed over head to shield us from the sun because other wise it would of been even hotter. This was the biggest party yet. The pool was full most of the day and even though we had Too Much food, it all seemed to go. A great day all around. Here are some pictures to highlight our day….
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!