The SICK Ward….
Here’s what I did….
Here’s what I did….
One of my layouts has been published in a scrapbook magazine. I found out back in August. You can read that thread here. This is something that I’ve been wanting and waiting for a LONG time. If it never happens again, I will be happy that it happened once. But of course I will continue to try for future publications. My copy of the magazine finally arrived yesterday. I really think I was the last one to receive a copy because I wanted it so bad. I was so happy, almost starting jumping up and down again screaming, but Holly was napping so I couldn’t. They choose my layout titled “10 Think I Love About You” for their section titled “What I love about you”…
Today is my nephew Kristopher’s Birthday. He is 5 today. WOW 5!!! That’s amazing how fast he is growing. It really does seem like yesterday he was born. I remember when I went to go see him for the first time, his brother Jonathan, who was 3 1/2 at the time, was with me. He said hi to his baby brother then looked at me and said “Auntie Karen, why doesn’t say hi to me?” It was really cute. I think he as expecting a full grown boy to be born that would talk and play with him. This kid was kinda boring he thought. But Kristopher was absolutely adorable. It’s been 5 years since that day, and it feels like yesterday. And now Jonathan…
Allison is doing so well. She is such a good baby and easy too. She is sleeping GREAT and eating up a storm. She seems to have mommy’s appetite! She goes for her 1 week check up tomorrow and I’m sure her doctor will be pleased with her. We are enjoying her so much, when she is awake though that’s not too much. Holly just LOVES her baby sister and gets so upset when she goes to sleep. She was having fun ‘playing’ with Allison while she was in her crib watching her butterfly/dragonfly mobile but after a while Allison started falling asleep. Holly was not happy with that and wanted me to wake her up. We have been trying to explain to her that…
It’s been a while since I sat down and did some scrapbooking, I just haven’t had the time. This past Saturday, Jodi and I spent the day together scrapbooking and I got a LOT done. Then Sunday afternoon I sat down and did a few more. It felt so good to get back in the groove again and I can’t wait to do more. I’m hoping to get some more time this week. I need to catch up a bit before the baby arrives. Here are my creations from the weekend. Thanks for looking!!! I plan on making a christmas album but I LOVE these pictures so I couldn’t wait. I think this is such a cute picture of Holly sitting on her rocking horse….
I don’t normally get great pictures of my mother because she hates to smile. She says she doesn’t know ‘how’ too (sorry mom, but you do!). Well I finally got a perfect picture of her and Holly and they are both smiling pefectly!! I scrapbooked it right away and I love how it came out. I found a quote that I thought would be great for this page because there wasn’t really a story to tell about the picture. It says “Grandma’s are mommies with lots of practice”. PERFECT!!
We had Allison’s 1st Birthday Party this past Saturday and we couldn’t of asked for a more perfect day, weather and all. It was beautiful outside and the kids had so much fun. Allison enjoyed the day but got really tired from all the days activities. She was a little bit interested in the gift opening but not interested in the cake. She cried. Part of the reason was because she was hungry and she didn’t know that was food, it didn’t look like her regular food. I’m sure someday cake will be a recognizable food for her but not at 1. Today being her actual birthday, we are going to try the cake thing again so hopefully this time she’ll enjoy it. A few…
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Glad you are all feeling better and glad you got some scrapping time! Great layouts!
Wow – Congrats on all the scrapping! They all look so great!
Awesome Layouts Chickie!!!! Congrats on getting to scrapbook and getting so much done! Keep up the great work!!!
Great job Karen, I can’t wait to see them ( pages and the girls) We missed you this week….see you soon!
Mom & Dad
Great job with all the scrappin’. Wish I could catch that bug other than cold and flu ones. Your layouts were great. I love the title 100% loved {you are}–reminds me of Yoda–you know how he talks. Anyway…
Your pages look great! TFS!