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A new look………..
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2 weeks old……..
Allison is 2 weeks old today and she’s doing great. She is such a good baby, she does have her fussy moments, but overall she’s just so pleasant. We are really enjoying her and she’s letting mommy get some decent sleep at night so that’s always good! Holly is still enjoying being a little helper when it’s time to do things for Allison. She even lets me know when she’s awake from her naps. It’s really sweet to see her with Allison and she kisses her all the time. I hope Holly continues to love her little sister. Here are some pictures we’ve taken over the last few days. Our first morning without Daddy home, the girls did great!All bundled up after her bath. She…
Forgot one….
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I guess you could say………
I guess you could say that Holly is potty trained. She wears her big girl undies all day except when we go out, then she puts on a pull up even though she doesn’t want to. Until she get’s better at it, I feel better if she has a pull up on. She is even going on the Big Potty and we are so proud, but mommy has to hold her because she is afraid she’ll fall in. She’s doing great and doesn’t even wet her pull up most of the time when she has it on. The only time she does is if she is sleeping, but I know that will get better. We are so proud of her, she caught on really quickly…
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Great title and cute picture!
LOL! I see a layout coming on…..
So many great photo’s Karen. I can’t believe she is already 2 weeks. Make sure to thank Jodi for updating us while you were in the Hospital!
4 got to say I’m Mamahoneybee now, my name means honeybee in latin, so you know who’s talkin to ya.
so cute!!!
Very cute 🙂 You have to change your profile to include the new baby.
too cute! can’t wait to see teh LO for this one.
BTW I think Allison looks like her big sis.