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The Dogs
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What a MESS!!!!
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The Dogs
While in Agawam over the weekend, we visited with Chris (hi Chris) and her dogs. She’s got two great dogs who are so well trained (great job Chris!) and the girls absolutely LOVED them and they were so brave. We will get a dog someday (yes we will Steve) but not for a while yet. But it was nice to know the girls will do so well when that day comes. Holly even feed the Jake a snack! She loved it!!Allison had June with her, of course.They were trying very hard to get the dogs attention. They were not bored for even a moment.Steve had to guide Allison’s hand while petting the dog because she was a little aggressive.Holly did a great job. She loved…
Holly can spell two words…
Holly learned to spell her name a while ago and can even write it. I’ve been told that’s really good that she can do that at her age. She is constantly asking me what a bunch of letters together spell. It’s very hard sometimes to even try and pronounce the letters she puts together. Here is an example: cdgghok – What does that spell? I have no idea. So I decided that since she wants to learn how to spell words then I will take a 3 letter word and work with that for a little while and take it from there. So our word for this week is DOG. Each day I ask her through the day how to spell DOG and she spells…
Silly Girl……..
Holly was enjoying some blueberries this weekend, but it got pretty messy so we moved to the highchair. She had a blue mouth and blue fingers, she looks so cute! I took some pictures of her and she was being so silly. She’s a happy girl even when she’s blue!
Such a Ham!!!!
Holly is so funny when I take out the camera lately. Sometimes she hams it up and other times she gets a serious and focuses on something like she’s trying to ignore me. It’s just too cute! I’m so glad I get to spend my days with her and enjoy all these moments. It’s so amazing to watch her develop and grow right before my eyes. And boy is she growing fast! I can’t believe that in 11 days she’ll be 17 months old. How fast did that go by?? Everyone told me it would be fast but boy they didn’t tell me HOW fast. I love this age (except for the mini temper tantrums, but we are working on that). She understands so much…
Holly’s Preschool Graduation
Holly graduated from Preschool and is off to Pre-K. Not that there is a BIG difference but it’s still a step forward. She had a great teacher this year that we really loved and Holly enjoyed going to school everyday. Here are a few pictures from Graduation. They sang a few songs too and it was adorable. The teacher in the black and white dress is Ms. Jessalyn, Holly’s teacher.Holly getting her beach bucket and certificate….A proud daddy…Holly made this flower… I absolutely love it! It’s in our dining room now.Holly and her best friend Emily…Holly and her friend Kaili….
What a MESS!!!!
Holly loves to play. She plays very well by herself too. She’s such a good girl!! Today she decided that she was going to play with everything at once!! Twice she emptied out her toy box and just tossed everything everywhere. It’s a small area so it fills up pretty quickly. Maybe she was looking for something and thought, hey this could be fun. I don’t know but I had to clean it up and then later on she did it again. Here’s the proof…. Then she decided after all her toys were out of the toy box, she’d take all of mommy’s “toys” otherwise known as Tupperware and put that all over the kitchen floor. What a mess!!!! But she had fun, that’s all…
The Dogs
While in Agawam over the weekend, we visited with Chris (hi Chris) and her dogs. She’s got two great dogs who are so well trained (great job Chris!) and the girls absolutely LOVED them and they were so brave. We will get a dog someday (yes we will Steve) but not for a while yet. But it was nice to know the girls will do so well when that day comes. Holly even feed the Jake a snack! She loved it!!Allison had June with her, of course.They were trying very hard to get the dogs attention. They were not bored for even a moment.Steve had to guide Allison’s hand while petting the dog because she was a little aggressive.Holly did a great job. She loved…
Holly can spell two words…
Holly learned to spell her name a while ago and can even write it. I’ve been told that’s really good that she can do that at her age. She is constantly asking me what a bunch of letters together spell. It’s very hard sometimes to even try and pronounce the letters she puts together. Here is an example: cdgghok – What does that spell? I have no idea. So I decided that since she wants to learn how to spell words then I will take a 3 letter word and work with that for a little while and take it from there. So our word for this week is DOG. Each day I ask her through the day how to spell DOG and she spells…
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Great title and cute picture!
LOL! I see a layout coming on…..
So many great photo’s Karen. I can’t believe she is already 2 weeks. Make sure to thank Jodi for updating us while you were in the Hospital!
4 got to say I’m Mamahoneybee now, my name means honeybee in latin, so you know who’s talkin to ya.
so cute!!!
Very cute 🙂 You have to change your profile to include the new baby.
too cute! can’t wait to see teh LO for this one.
BTW I think Allison looks like her big sis.