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Happy Halloween!!
Today was like Holly’s first ever Halloween. Of course in her mind it was because she doesn’t remember Halloween’s of the past even though she’s always enjoyed it. No, it was like she experienced it for the first time today and we LOVED it!! It all began last Tuesday night when we told her that tomorrow was Halloween and she would be going trick or treating with Jakob tomorrow night. She knew Halloween was coming but had no idea when. She woke up this morning (Halloween) and was crying. I asked her what the problem was and she said that it wasn’t trick or treat today. I asked her what she meant and she said that it wasn’t dark out so it wasn’t trick or…
Allison’s High Heels
Allison loves wearing every one’s shoes, I think I’ve mentioned this before. She looks so stinking cute when she wears the pink high heels. Please ignore the pacifier in her mouth, I know she’s almost 2. She only has it at night but we’ve been fighting illness after illness and well… I give in way to easy and why am I explaining myself LOL :). As I was saying, she looks so stinking cute… and she knows it. Of course “Z” got in on the picture. She’s getting more and more attached to him!The shoes are just a tad bit too big for her!
The girls had a BLAST on Halloween this year. Holly was counting down the days while Allison had no clue. We go to downtown Westerly where they close down the street (yes, town is so small it’s just one street LOL) and the stores all pass out candy. We went for the first time last year and really enjoyed it so we decided to do that every year. We really can’t walk the street and trick o treat where we live anyway. We we got there Allison was in awe just looking around trying to figure out what was going on, it was really cute. The first few times someone put something in her bucket she was a little confused, but caught on quick and…
I took this video this morning of Holly eating her cheerios with her ‘play’ spoon. The backyardigins is playing in the background, I was hoping to catch her dancing with them on video but of course the minute I started recording, she stopped dancing. Not sure how well this will work on here, it’s the first time I’m trying to put up a video. Hope it works!!
Tagged again…
I’ve been tagged by Candice . This is long…blame her! Just kidding….here it goes… Twelve Movies (not in any order) 1. Lord of The Rings2. Clueless3. Jerry McQuire4. Ever After5. 50 First Dates6. Sixteen Candles7.The Breakfast club8. Harry Potter9. The Wedding Singer10. Father of the Bride11. My Best Friends Wedding12. The Patriot Eleven Good Bands/Artists (not in any order) 1. Jimmy Buffet2. Madonna3. Kelly Clarkson4. Bon Jovi5. Bee Gees6. Motley Crue7. New Kids on the Block (Ok I liked them when I was younger but I had to come up with 11!!)8. Janet Jackson9. The Bangles10. Jennifer Lopez11. Night Ranger Ten Things About You (delete after the … part and fill in with your answer) 1. I’m … really sweet!2. My favorite color … Is…
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Great title and cute picture!
LOL! I see a layout coming on…..
So many great photo’s Karen. I can’t believe she is already 2 weeks. Make sure to thank Jodi for updating us while you were in the Hospital!
4 got to say I’m Mamahoneybee now, my name means honeybee in latin, so you know who’s talkin to ya.
so cute!!!
Very cute 🙂 You have to change your profile to include the new baby.
too cute! can’t wait to see teh LO for this one.
BTW I think Allison looks like her big sis.