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Happy Birthday Steve
Yesterday was Steve’s Birthday. Holly was all excited and told everyone she saw even the guy that came over to look at our roof! LOL. We bought him an ice cream cake, per Holly’s request and had a little party before bed. The girls enjoyed it, well mostly Holly. Tomorrow is Allison’s 1st Birthday! We had her party over the weekend, I will post pictures later. I can’t believe a year has gone by already!
Photo Shoot
Steve took a trip earlier in the month and Jodi and Little David stayed with us for a few days. The kids had so much fun, even Allison! David and Holly are at a great age and they love to pretend and it was just a fun time. I scrapbooked a few pages from their visit…. When I dressed the girls one day I happened to but them both in red, I didn’t plan that but, when Jodi saw what they were wearing, she decided to put David also in red so they all matched. She lined them up on the couch to take a picture because they looked so cute! She jokingly said to me “hey we should go have their picture taken somewhere”….
The Sick House
We’ve all been sick. First Allison, then Mommy, then Holly and finally Steve. The wonderful stomach and intestinal bug……… fun fun fun. We have been just lying around the house for a few days. I felt really bad for the girls, they were not themselves, but they were still cute. Steve took some pictures of the girls sharing the couch. Holly smiled, but Allison just couldn’t. Holly felt better cuddling with Penquin……….Of course Allison had June with her to help her nap…..
Happy Birthday Allison!
Happy Birthday to you…..Happy Birthday to you…..Happy Birthday to ALLISON…..Happy Birthday to you….. Dear my baby Allison,Amazing to know that 1 year ago you were born…….before I know it you will be 18 eek!!! We’ve had a wonderful year with you and you’ve been such a sweet baby. We look forward to learning more of your personality and we can’t wait till you can walk and talk. Love you!!!~Mommy, Daddy and Hollyxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo At ONE you…. Have TWO teeth (yup that’s it…barely two!!)Your trying to walk – you are always up on your feet and taking a step here and thereYou wake up at 6:00 / 6:30 everyday (not fun for mom)You love to feed yourself and you have quite the appetite latelyYou are wearing 12…
Merry Christmas………..
We had such a wonderful Christmas this year. We hope you all did too. Holly had a blast and really enjoyed it. She didn’t quite get the whole thing this year but boy did she have fun with everyone and all her presents. Here is our family Christmas picture and more to come tomorrow. Happy Holidays!!!!
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Great title and cute picture!
LOL! I see a layout coming on…..
So many great photo’s Karen. I can’t believe she is already 2 weeks. Make sure to thank Jodi for updating us while you were in the Hospital!
4 got to say I’m Mamahoneybee now, my name means honeybee in latin, so you know who’s talkin to ya.
so cute!!!
Very cute 🙂 You have to change your profile to include the new baby.
too cute! can’t wait to see teh LO for this one.
BTW I think Allison looks like her big sis.