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Nonnie’s Ornament Tradition
Every year Nonnie (my mother) buys a new ornament for her grandchildren with each of their names for her Christmas Tree. Eventually the tree with be full of ornaments that say Jonathan, Kristopher, Holly and Allison. Then she’ll have the perfect tree! She likes to have the kids put the ornaments themselves and I always try to get a picture of it. Here are this year’s “ornament hanging pictures”. Allison wasn’t sure what she wanted her to do with it so Nonnie helped her. Holly was too quick so we didn’t get a picture of her putting it up, but she pointed to it for picture purposes, she’s such a great kid!
I know I know………
I’ve been slacking on this blog, I’m sorry. I’ve been spending so much time on my other blog that I keep forgetting to put up some new pictures of the girls. So here are a bunch of random photos from January 09. We got more snow on New Years Day so the girls were able to wear the new snowsuits that Nonnie gave them for Christmas. I love the Blue on them. Allison really enjoys the snow. They both wanted to help shovel too, so they got their sand shovels and gave mommy and daddy a hand. Allison loves getting her picture taken. And I love taking it! Allison just looked so cute cuddling with Zebra I had to grab the camera.
Likes and Dislikes….
Allison has started solids and lets just say, she has her daddy’s taste buds, not her mommy’s. She does enjoy the rice cereal, but she doesn’t like Pears or Sweet Potato’s. Like I said, she’s got her daddy’s taste buds, no fruits or vegetables. But I am determined to change that. For now, we are going to stick to the rice cereal and try the fruits and veggies again some time soon. She is getting so big, so fast, but I guess that’s what happens when you keep feeding them lol. Look at Holly, she is going to be 3 in 2 months…….when did that happen??? Allison went for her 4 month check up on Friday and she did great. She weighs 13lbs 4oz and…
12 weeks old……..
It’s hard to believe that Allison was 12 weeks old yesterday. She is getting so big and smiling all the time. She’s still sleeping great and last night she put herself to sleep in her crib, without my rocking her, that was great. She also rolled over onto her belly while playing on the bed with daddy last night. Mommy wasn’t in the room to see it, but that was OK because daddy never gets to see any firsts. She also LOVES to ‘talk’ to mommy (and everyone else, but especially with mommy). She just goes on and on babbling and cooing, I absolutely love our conversations. Last night I got her a Bumbo and she really enjoyed sitting in it this morning while mommy…
All the Snow!!
We got a lot of snow yesterday. There is probably about 7 inches. That’s a lot to shovel. But my man did the job and he’s now exhausted! He did really good since we need room to put a few cars this coming week for Christmas. We have a stone driveway (most of you know that) and we really hope to get it paved in 2010. As long as nothing else big breaks in the house in 2009.Holly was very excited to go outside again andonce Allison saw her out there, she wanted to go out too. So I bundled her up in Holly’s snowsuit from last year (I love this snowsuit and I’m so glad that Allison can wear it now) and she looked…
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Great title and cute picture!
LOL! I see a layout coming on…..
So many great photo’s Karen. I can’t believe she is already 2 weeks. Make sure to thank Jodi for updating us while you were in the Hospital!
4 got to say I’m Mamahoneybee now, my name means honeybee in latin, so you know who’s talkin to ya.
so cute!!!
Very cute 🙂 You have to change your profile to include the new baby.
too cute! can’t wait to see teh LO for this one.
BTW I think Allison looks like her big sis.