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Time is flying by…..
The time since Allison was born has gone by so fast for us. It’s amazing how the second time around is SO different than the first. Part of it is that Allison is such a different baby than Holly, but also we know (or at least have an idea) of what we are doing. I’ve already got Allison on some type of schedule, but since we already have ‘schedules’ for Holly, it’s so much easier get Allison on one. Of course she still has her moments where things don’t go as scheduled but for the most part they do. We are just enjoying her so much and she’s getting SO big SO fast. Monday night she slept really well too. I don’t expect this every…
10 months old…
Allison turned 10 months old this week, hard to believe that she’ll be 1 in just two months. As I’ve said before, where did the time go???She’s doing really well. She has been crawling like crazy since Christmas and pulls herself up on everything and is now cruising along the furniture. She really has the desire to stand and move along but she hasn’t tried to take any of her own steps yet. Still not letting go. But her balance is getting better and better every week so she probably will be walking by her 1st birthday.She seems to be going through a growth spurt and is eating so much more lately, but not so much in the form of baby food, but in the…
Fashion Model
Allison will be two soon……….She has discovered necklaces, and loves them…… And she usually has one on every day now and sometimes even sleeps with it, if I don’t catch it! OH and that’s ducky and Junie (from Little Einstiens) her other two friends besides Zebra. We aren’t very original with the names in this house.
A busy week…..
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I spoke too soon….
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Bad Blogger…….
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Thank you Karen and Holly…so far I’m having a great day. My friend Rose is cooking dinner for me tonight.
**What a sweet picture. Happy Birthday Nonnie!