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I’ve been tagged by Candice . This is long…blame her! Just kidding….here it goes… Twelve Movies (not in any order) 1. Lord of The Rings2. Clueless3. Jerry McQuire4. Ever After5. 50 First Dates6. Sixteen Candles7.The Breakfast club8. Harry Potter9. The Wedding Singer10. Father of the Bride11. My Best Friends Wedding12. The Patriot Eleven Good Bands/Artists (not in any order) 1. Jimmy Buffet2. Madonna3. Kelly Clarkson4. Bon Jovi5. Bee Gees6. Motley Crue7. New Kids on the Block (Ok I liked them when I was younger but I had to come up with 11!!)8. Janet Jackson9. The Bangles10. Jennifer Lopez11. Night Ranger Ten Things About You (delete after the … part and fill in with your answer) 1. I’m … really sweet!2. My favorite color … Is…
So much fun playing in the water. Holly had a blast, once again, playing in her pool. She LOVES to splash and toss the water out off the pool. She hasn’t emptied it yet, but I have a feeling she’s working towards it some days. She really does know how to have fun and I love to watch her.
The Knock, Knock game……
Holly loves to play the knock, knock game. It’s really cute. She will say ‘knock, knock’, I’ll say ‘who’s there’ and then she starts naming all the Backyardigan’s one at a time. It’s really cute. I was finally able to get it on video. Just so you know, the Backyardigan’s names are Pablo, Austin, Tyrone, Tasha and Uniqua. She added a few other people into the mix this time. Enjoy!
We are dry………
The ceiling is finally dry and the basement as well. I felt like I was in a wind tunnel for 3 days, I don’t know if I could of taken one more day with all the noise from the blowers, but thankfully they took them away yesterday morning. We were hoping to get started with the repairs to the chimney and ceiling right away, but since it took so long to dry out, we can’t get an appointment until next week so it’s going to take a little longer than we hoped. Oh well, it’s out of our control. We have a tarp on the roof so at least if it rains (which it isn’t supposed to) we are all set this time. Holly and…
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Thank you Karen and Holly…so far I’m having a great day. My friend Rose is cooking dinner for me tonight.
**What a sweet picture. Happy Birthday Nonnie!