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Coloring and more…
Holly LOVES to color..It’s her new thing…But we must leave the crayons on the counter when we are done, or the walls become her coloring book. This has happened 3 times (if you count the fridge last week). I did get a picture this time before I cleaned it. Did you know that the Magic Eraser works really well getting crayon off your walls and fridge? Yup it does. Jodi can tell you too…I think she invested in the company recently. LOL The picture is a little blurry but it’s the wall in my hallway and there isn’t much light, but you get the idea. I love how her belly hangs out when she wears this top..It’s just too cute. Fast forward 12 years and…
Holly can spell two words…
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A CRAZY week!!!
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Boat Ride Layout…
I already did a layout of our boat ride from Saturday, can you believe it?? I don’t paper scrap this fast, another reason why I’m enjoying digital scrapbooking. I bought this template last week from Heather Ann Designs and I’ve been dying to use it. I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out. Thanks for looking!
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My guess- Karen Wilmes, I’ll bet I’m right.
You guessed it right Marge! It’s Karen…I wondered where that picture went..
What a cool photo!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew it! There is a resemblance to the pictures of Allison! If Holly looks just like Steve, I bet Allison will look just like Karen.
I was going to guess Allison – jk! Karen your baby photo looks exactly like Allison!!
That’s awesome Karen, thanks for sharing! I can’t believe how much Allison looks like you.