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She’s getting bigger and bigger….
It’s just hitting me recently that Holly is indeed a toddler. Where did the time go? I can’t believe that little baby girl I had almost 18 months ago, is now a Toddler. It really is amazing how fast that went by. Everyone told me it would go by fast but I really had NO IDEA how fast. Here are two pictures of her. The first one is one of my favorite pictures that was taken April 21, 2006. Below that is a picture of Holly from April 21, 2005. See what I mean???? She’s so BIG!!!! When did this happen and where was I?
Holly’s First Day of School
Today was Holly’s first day of her new preschool. She was VERY excited this morning and could not wait to get there. She got dressed right when she got up and was ready to go. We packed up her bag with the following items… Sunscreen Change of Cloths Blanket and Sheet Pillow Littlest Pet Shop Stuffed Penguin to sleep with during her nap And then we were out the door. I completely forgot to take a picture outside the front door, do you believe that! I will take one when we come home before going in the house so I’ll have it for the scrapbook. I’m so scatterbrained sometimes. When we got there she was a little shy. We met a few of her new…
Dressing herself and water shoes….
Orange Socks Holly hasn’t quite gotten to the point that she picks out the cloths she wants to wear but I know those moments are approaching us quickly after this weekend. I keep her socks in the top draw of the changing table and lately whenever we get dressed, she has to open the draw and insists that I put socks on her, even though I may not be putting shoes on her, she wants socks. Ok, that’s fine, I usually pick out a pair to match her outfit and give them too her. She tries first to put them on, then I finish the job and we are happy. Well yesterday she decided she was going to pick out the color of the socks…
So Cute…
I think I use that blog post title quite often but I can’t help it, my girls are cute! Allison usually gives me that scrunched up nose smile like Holly used to do give me but I was able to catch her before she did it and this is what I got and yes, she is “so cute”. I didn’t expect Allison to be able to wear many of Holly’s cloths because they were born opposite seasons but it actually worked out pretty well and Allison has been able to wear a lot of them. This outfit is one of the ones that was Holly’s and I’m glad we got more use out of it. Doesn’t she look ‘so cute’ in it? 🙂
Yeah Yeah Yeah, I know…
It’s been almost a year, I know but I’ve become much busier in the last year and this just kind of fell through the cracks, I’m sorry. But let’s just forget about all that and enjoy these pictures because it could be another year before I post anymore (just kidding, I will try). Holly started Tennis lessons last night. She loves playing it on the Wii so I figured why not let her learn how to play in real life. The lessons are only 30 minutes each week (which I found out was just enough time for them) on Friday afternoon’s for 4 weeks. I’m not sure if they offer more after the 4 weeks but I’ll figure it out then. Now of course I’m…
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She is really a water baby 🙂 Cute pics.
How adorable! Love these shots! :)))
She is such a cutie! These are great pictures!