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Santa Claus Came to Town
Last Friday night Santa arrived in town on the local fire truck. I guess the reindeer aren’t ready to travel yet. After dinner we gathered with everyone else to await Santa’s arrival. This was the first time we were there to greet him so we had no idea what to expect. The girls were becoming impatient so we gave them so lollipops to buy some time and it worked, very well. When Santa finally arrived he began to visit the children in the crowd but unfortunately we were in the wrong spot. We are at the end, but we didn’t know that so we waited and waited until it was our turn. In the meantime Santa had all sorts of helpers there to entertain and…
A Nice Weekend………
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I’m trying…
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Picnic in the Dining Room
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Easter Pictures
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5..4..3..2..1…..BLAST OFF!!!
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She is really a water baby 🙂 Cute pics.
How adorable! Love these shots! :)))
She is such a cutie! These are great pictures!