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Bad Blogger…….
That’s what I am… A bad blogger. Sorry. I just don’t get as many good pictures and videos of Holly lately. She’s onto me. When she see’s the camera she runs the other way. I guess after 10,000 pictures in less than 2 years, it gets pretty old. But today, she seemed to be in a good picture taking mood. So I got a few cute shots of her. I tried really hard because I know that some people are looking at my blog daily just to see another cute picture of Holly. I had dinner with my friend Kim the other night (Hi Kim) and she hinted around that I need to update more often. Here you go Kim, some pictures and another cute…
First day of Pre-School
Today was Holly’s first day at Preschool!!! We decided to send her this year for just 2 half days a week and I already know it was a great idea. The day we signed her up, she had so much fun with the other kids, plus her friend Jakob is in her class and I think both of them are happy about that. All day yesterday I kept telling her that she was going to start school tomorrow and Allison and I were going to leave her there for a little while and she was going to have a great time, and she was very excited for it. This morning we got up, got all 3 of us ready to go then I started taking…
I know it’s been a while……..
Sorry for the lack of updates this month. The days are busy for me and I just haven’t been able to get to this. Things are going well, the girls are doing great and Allison is getting so BIG its amazing how fast the time is going by. She will be 12 weeks old next week, amazing! We’ve been enjoying the girls, the pool and getting our yard fixed, again. We think we finally fixed the water problem and hopefully will no longer have water coming in the house. Now we just have to plant more grass. Some day our yard will be full of grass and no weeds! LOL Here are some pictures from the last few weeks of the girls. I’ll try not…
Getting Big!
These girls are getting so big, so fast…………it’s amazing! Allison likes to carry a ‘bunch’ of things at a time by tucking them under her chin. It’s really cute when she does this. One day I let her play with the tub of wipes so I could finish up some things around the house (of course I have plenty of wipes to spare). Once they were all pulled out of the tub, she then carried them from room to room, and of course tucked them under her chin. I was able to catch a couple of pictures of her…. We decided to keep Holly home from school the month of August and we’ve also decided to send her to a different school in September. Her…
Happy 4th Birthday HOLLY!!
I can’t believe it but Holly is 4 years old today. How fast did that happen? Wow! She is such a sweet girl too. We had a birthday party for her yesterday and she loved all her presents and had such sweet reactions to. Today we opened up some of the toys and she just had a ball. I’m trying to hold her off from opening them all so she doesn’t get tired of them too fast. We’ll see how long it takes to get them all opened. Allison has been enjoying her presents too. One of Holly’s favorite toys she received is Hungry Hungry Hippos. She’s been asking for this for a while and her godparents gave it to her. That was the first…
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She is really a water baby 🙂 Cute pics.
How adorable! Love these shots! :)))
She is such a cutie! These are great pictures!