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Scrapbooking again…
I haven’t scrapped a page in over a month (not counting digital and a few projects I’m working on). I just couldn’t seem to get the creative juices flowing. Yesterday I finally sat down and started working on some things. 5 layouts later….I’m pretty happy to be back into it. I’m hoping to get more done this week. I have so many pictures so there’s always plenty to do!!! All these pages were done using kits from Personal Scrapper. Here’s what I did…. Thanks for looking!!!
Snow Day!!!
This is what we woke up to this morning……….. Holly was so excited when I pulled up her shade to reveal the beautiful white stuff. She asked me if she could go out and play in the snow I told her yes we would go this aftrnoon. Stay tuned for more pictures from later today!
Kiddie Pool Digi Layout..
Got another digital page done. Lovin these sketches from Gina Miller Designs, makes my life easier!! OK, I know I did another orange page, I’ll try to do another color next time. LOL I have a tendency to almost always match my papers to the dominate color in the picture. I think I should let that go sometimes but I seem to do it all the time. Thanks for looking!
The Knock, Knock game……
Holly loves to play the knock, knock game. It’s really cute. She will say ‘knock, knock’, I’ll say ‘who’s there’ and then she starts naming all the Backyardigan’s one at a time. It’s really cute. I was finally able to get it on video. Just so you know, the Backyardigan’s names are Pablo, Austin, Tyrone, Tasha and Uniqua. She added a few other people into the mix this time. Enjoy!
I am SO behind……
I’ve been a very bad blogger. I just uploaded my pictures onto the computer because my card was full and I can’t believe how many pictures I had that I wanted to share. Guess I should check my camera more often. LOL Pasta Night Holly loves Pasta (what Italian child doesn’t, right?) but she prefers it with butter. No problem…It’s easier that way in case I don’t have any sauce on hand and the clean up is SO much better…Butter in the hair as opposed to sauce all over her. Anyways, one night we were having pasta and I Spellingput some sauce in her dish so she can “dunk” (we’ve been doing that with ketchup lately and she seems to enjoy it). Well she…
Bad Blogger…….
That’s what I am… A bad blogger. Sorry. I just don’t get as many good pictures and videos of Holly lately. She’s onto me. When she see’s the camera she runs the other way. I guess after 10,000 pictures in less than 2 years, it gets pretty old. But today, she seemed to be in a good picture taking mood. So I got a few cute shots of her. I tried really hard because I know that some people are looking at my blog daily just to see another cute picture of Holly. I had dinner with my friend Kim the other night (Hi Kim) and she hinted around that I need to update more often. Here you go Kim, some pictures and another cute…
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She is really a water baby 🙂 Cute pics.
How adorable! Love these shots! :)))
She is such a cutie! These are great pictures!