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Weekend Recap (Part 1)…….
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Our House is FIXED…..well almost
They finally came today to fix the holes in the ceiling, the chimney and finish taking up the rug downstairs. In case you don’t remember, a week before Allison was born, we had a bad rain storm and not only did water come into the basement but it came through our dining room ceiling too. It was not a fun time for us. But now the ceiling is fixed and the walls are freshly painted and they aren’t white anymore. They are actually a light greenish/yellow called Spring Blossom. I like it, but I don’t think Steve will, but that’s they way it’s going to stay. Here are some pictures but it really looks so much different in person. I’m so glad to have the…
Alllison’s Day….
Sunday we Baptized Allison and she looked so beautiful. She’s 4 month’s old this week, I can’t believe how fast the time is going by. She’s sleeping through the night, most nights….sucking her thumb…..rolling onto her belly from her back and today she rolled back onto her back from her belly. She’s getting so big so fast, I just wish I could slow it down!!! This week she’ll also be starting rice cereal. OH MY my baby is getting so big!!!
Forgot one….
I can’t belive I forgot to post this layout. It was my favorite one!!! I scraplift this from Jodi….the ribbon’s accross the page were here original design and I loved it. These pictures are also from my collection of favorite pictures of Holly. I do have one more page I did last weekend, but I found a BIG typo on it so I need to fix that before I post it. Thanks for looking!
Snow Day!!!
We finally got some more snow. Holly was super excited because she got to go out and play in the snow. And Daddy was also super excited because he got to play with her in the snow, something he’s never had the chance to do because by the time he gets home it’s always too dark and it hardly ever snows. They both had a lot of fun. I picked up a little disc like sled for her last time it snowed and she had a blast sledding down the little hill in our side yard. Here are some pictures…..
Photo Shoot
Steve took a trip earlier in the month and Jodi and Little David stayed with us for a few days. The kids had so much fun, even Allison! David and Holly are at a great age and they love to pretend and it was just a fun time. I scrapbooked a few pages from their visit…. When I dressed the girls one day I happened to but them both in red, I didn’t plan that but, when Jodi saw what they were wearing, she decided to put David also in red so they all matched. She lined them up on the couch to take a picture because they looked so cute! She jokingly said to me “hey we should go have their picture taken somewhere”….
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She is really a water baby 🙂 Cute pics.
How adorable! Love these shots! :)))
She is such a cutie! These are great pictures!