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No picture…………
No picture with Santa yesterday. That’s ok, i really didn’t expect that she would but it was worth a try. She did enjoy seeing him at first glimpse, then lost interest and just wanted to see the balls on the christmas trees (she’s obsessed with anything round!). But we tried and if I can get to the mall again next week, I’ll try again. I’m not going to push it. She’s never had her picture taken with Santa yet, but someday she will I’m sure. She received a christmas gift from my husband’s aunt and uncle this past weekend. They bought her a dora table and chairs. She LOVED IT!!! We have it set up in our TV/Playroom right now and hope to move it…
My Little Fashionista!
The girls got another trunk full of dress up cloths from Auntie Jodi for Christmas. They love playing dress up. This particular morning Holly just looked adorable. She is quite the fashionista! And a cute close up of my princess… Allison was showing me the picture that her and Holly drew online of Max & Ruby. I think they did a pretty good job! Holly is very artistic, she pretty much did all the drawings. Allison has her Cinderella dress on behind the picture, half on half off. My other Princess.
What a BIG girl!!!!
Holly is turning into a big girl right before our eyes. Just about everything baby about her has disappeared. Before we know it…………Nope I won’t even go there! LOL She’s been battling a cough the past few days so we’ve been giving her lots of medicine. She’s such a BIG girl now that she can have he medicine in the little dosing cup and drink it all by herself. I’m so proud of her every time I watch her drink it all up. We call it special juicy so she’ll drink it and usually she’ll say to me “yum yum special juicy good!”. Oh how I love her!!! Here are some pictures of her drinking her ‘special juicy’. Enjoy………….
Allison’s First Day of Preschool
Allison started Pre-School even though she isn’t quite 3 year but she’s so ready to go and is all potty trained. For now she is in the 2 year old room until she turns 3. We love her teacher Miss Jen and so does she. She never even cried once when I dropped her off. I’m so proud of her.
I can’t hear you….
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The Washington County Fair
Remember me?? and my girls?? Yeah Yeah I know it’s been a long time since I last posted but mama’s been busy making money to put in a new driveway. lol I know excuses, excuses. We took the girls to the Washington County Fair yesterday and it was Allison’s first time riding any rides and she absolutely LOVED it! I was afraid there wouldn’t be anything she could ride since she is still little but there were 3 and she rode all 3 of them. She even rode one alone without her sister and she wasn’t the least bit scared. We were very proud of her. Here are some videos I took of Allison’s rides….
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Her happiness is apparent :-)I can’t wait to read stories about the new little one.
I’ll have to show these pics to lil d. He loves anything blue and he loves his “Howlee”. For sure he will love these pictures.