It’s Friday again….
Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share….
After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister….
Holly has this new thing..she puts both hands over her ears. I’m really not sure why she does it…is she trying to block out the sound? Does she really NOT want to hear mommy’s beautiful singing voice?? I don’t see why she’d want to block that out but perhaps she does. Or did she just realized that it sounds funny when she puts her hands over her ears? I’ll never know but she sure looks cute doing it! What do you think?? While I cleaned the bathroom yesterday, Holly planted herself right outside the bathroom door and played with her pig. I thought it was so cute. I was able to squeeze in a few minutes yesterday to get two scrapbook pages done. Here’s what…
Today was moving day, for Holly at least. We finally finished painting her new room and it’s all ready for her. We began by moving her crib into the room this morning, boy was that fun. We were really hoping not to have to take the entire crib apart but we had to unassemble quite a bit of it to get it through the doors. Live and Learn. We’ve decided to move her with the crib first and then when she is nice and settled in there, we’ll get her a bed. Then we had to break for haircuts. Steve and Holly both needed haircuts so we went to see Betsy today. This was the first time we were attempted to have someone cut Holly’s…
Last night I went and got a very much needed pedicure with one of my oldest friends Kimberly. When I say oldest I mean we’ve been friends for a LONG time, she’s not really older than me. We figured out this year will be 25 years we’ve been friends. That’s a LONG time and a lot of history. But anyways, we had a nice time and we got out toes painted together. I decided to paint my toes Blue. Yup you heard that right, I said blue. Why not right?? Not like anyone is really going to see them. I figured Holly would get a kick out of it and she did. (Steve thinks I’m crazy but that’s nothing new) Holly hasn’t noticed my toes…
Poor thing has a fever and has been vomiting. First time for this to happen, not bad since she’s 16 months old. She went down for both naps very early today so I know she’s not herself. Very listless too. Poor thing. I wish it was me. I hope this doesn’t last all week.
I love decorating the tree. It’s one of my favorite things to do this time of year. It’s funny because when I was a kid my mother would make me help her, I remember it so clearly, and I never wanted to help. I’m not sure why but I always had to help her anyways. (I’m sure my mother will comment about how true that is!) Well now I love decorating the tree and I’m glad Holly enjoys helping me. Last year she did a little but this year she really helped. I love her age because she really gets into doing things. While Allison napped today, Holly and I went downstairs to begin our decorating. We put the tree in a different place because…
This past weekend our friends Bob and Melissa were married in PA. They asked Holly to be a flower girl and she hasn’t stopped talking about it since that day. Well now she has even more to talk about. She was the cutest flower girl and did such a GREAT job. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of her. She didn’t even hesitate when she went down the aisle. She was having fun tossing the flowers along the way. Allison was also a hit since she looked so cute too. She was a very good girl during the ceremony and sat and ate her goldfish like a big girl. Of course she doesn’t say much yet so making lots of noise wasn’t the issue. Both…
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Cute hair cut Karen! You look great! Love the bath towel pictures too.
cute hair cut Karen. Love seeing the pictures of the girls – such absolute cuties!!!!