2 Months Old….
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
Here is her monthly growth picture. She doesn’t look too much bigger from last month, however her face has changed SO MUCH………what do you think???
We had a nice LONG Easter weekend that began on Thursday when our friends arrived. Jodi and Lil David came to spend a few days with Holly and I because Steve was going on a trip (A trip that once again didn’t happen LOL). Holly and David were SO EXCITED when they saw each other, it was so adorable. They really are buddies and enjoy each other. They had a great time and played so well together, even better than I expected! Holly’s has had some issues recently with sharing so I expected a problem, but she did so well, we had a few issues but nothing like I imagined. I think she was more than happy to share her toys and play with her…
This morning when Holly got up I told her we were (hopefully) going to find out today if she was going to have a brother or sister. I then asked her if she wanted a brother or sister and she said “BROTHER”. So we’ll have to see if she gets what she wants. Stay tuned!!!
Have you heard of ebates? It’s a website that gives you cash back when you shop online. I’ve been using it a lot lately and I’m very happy with the selection of stores that they have. They usually give you $5 when you first sign up but right now they are offering a special. If you sign up now you will get $10 to start you off!! That’s a really great deal. If you are not already a member you can Join Here. It’s really easy to use too. All you have to do is before you shop online, go to ebates, sign into your account and search for the store your looking for. As long as you click the link to that store while…
Allison is 2 weeks old today and she’s doing great. She is such a good baby, she does have her fussy moments, but overall she’s just so pleasant. We are really enjoying her and she’s letting mommy get some decent sleep at night so that’s always good! Holly is still enjoying being a little helper when it’s time to do things for Allison. She even lets me know when she’s awake from her naps. It’s really sweet to see her with Allison and she kisses her all the time. I hope Holly continues to love her little sister. Here are some pictures we’ve taken over the last few days. Our first morning without Daddy home, the girls did great!All bundled up after her bath. She…
Halloween is approaching and I need to find Holly a costume but I’m so tempted to put the same thing on her as last year just because it was so darn cute. (But I will get something different). Here she is, just under 1 years old, walking already, on her first night of trick o treatin….she seemed to enjoy it and we loved how cute she looked….
Well, Holly’s still not better. Today she’s completely not herself. Steve woke me at 7am and said she was awake but just laying there playing with her hands. I told him to go get her and bring her into bed with me (cuz she loves to play on the bed) and when he did, she just layed there..then wanted to get down and started with that wine/grunt sound. So I told him to get her some juice. She sucked down 3/4 of the cup. She sat with me while she did that so I had my “bottle” moment. Then she wanted cheerios so I gave her some, but she only had a few. After that we just sat on the couch together and she pretty…
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Great idea with the growth pics. Her face is really starting to become more defined! Cutie!
Allison is such a doll!!!
Karen, she is so cute. I see the change in her from the last time I saw her. both girls are growing so fast. Hugs and kisses
Love, Nana
*OH poor baby! Shots are BLAH! Luv the pics you posted. She’s getting so big.