More Dancing……..
It’s hard to believe that in one week from today she will be 2!!! That’s just amazing. And she is doing so much for a 2 year old, we are very proud of her. How fast the last 2 years went by!!!
Here’s the video, enjoy!!!!
It’s hard to believe that in one week from today she will be 2!!! That’s just amazing. And she is doing so much for a 2 year old, we are very proud of her. How fast the last 2 years went by!!!
Here’s the video, enjoy!!!!
Holly will be 2 in two days but today we went and picked up her birthday gift so she got an early present. We bought her the Little Tikes Slide and she LOVES IT!!!! The slide can be used indoors our outside, and Holly LOVES going on the slide so we knew it would be the perfect gift, and it was. It was so fun to see how excited she was when daddy put it together, her face lite up! It was the first time she’s really ever had a reaction like that and we enjoyed it so much. 2 is defiently going to be fun (tough too, but fun). Here’s a video (of course) of her sliding on the slide. Enjoy!!!!
While Jodi was here, we were able to sit down and grab a little scrapbooking time. Wish we could do this more often, but I’ll take what I can get. Most of these pages were inspired by pages done by members of Personal Scrapper Kit Club.I did 6 pages and here are 5 of them. One page I’m holding onto because I need to add something too it. Thanks for looking!
Yup, Allison is up on her feet, not walking yet, trying to figure out how to cruise, but she is up!! She started pulling herself up over the weekend. We used to put things on Holly’s Dora table that Allison couldn’t have, but we can’t do that anymore. First she would get up on her knees to see what she could grab, but after just a few days, she started pulling herself up on her feet and now she can reach just about anything on that table, she can also push it over, like she did today, opps! She’s standing along the couch, standing in her crib and trying to pull herself up on my pants leg. She even turned the volume down on her…
Last Friday night Santa arrived in town on the local fire truck. I guess the reindeer aren’t ready to travel yet. After dinner we gathered with everyone else to await Santa’s arrival. This was the first time we were there to greet him so we had no idea what to expect. The girls were becoming impatient so we gave them so lollipops to buy some time and it worked, very well. When Santa finally arrived he began to visit the children in the crowd but unfortunately we were in the wrong spot. We are at the end, but we didn’t know that so we waited and waited until it was our turn. In the meantime Santa had all sorts of helpers there to entertain and…
I’ve been slacking on this blog, I’m sorry. I’ve been spending so much time on my other blog that I keep forgetting to put up some new pictures of the girls. So here are a bunch of random photos from January 09. We got more snow on New Years Day so the girls were able to wear the new snowsuits that Nonnie gave them for Christmas. I love the Blue on them. Allison really enjoys the snow. They both wanted to help shovel too, so they got their sand shovels and gave mommy and daddy a hand. Allison loves getting her picture taken. And I love taking it! Allison just looked so cute cuddling with Zebra I had to grab the camera.
Every year Nonnie (my mother) buys a new ornament for her grandchildren with each of their names for her Christmas Tree. Eventually the tree with be full of ornaments that say Jonathan, Kristopher, Holly and Allison. Then she’ll have the perfect tree! She likes to have the kids put the ornaments themselves and I always try to get a picture of it. Here are this year’s “ornament hanging pictures”. Allison wasn’t sure what she wanted her to do with it so Nonnie helped her. Holly was too quick so we didn’t get a picture of her putting it up, but she pointed to it for picture purposes, she’s such a great kid!
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How I love these videos…I laught with delight. Grandpa loves them too.
DARLING! My twins were watching with me and they said, “play again” when it was over! too cute!