More Dancing……..
It’s hard to believe that in one week from today she will be 2!!! That’s just amazing. And she is doing so much for a 2 year old, we are very proud of her. How fast the last 2 years went by!!!
Here’s the video, enjoy!!!!
It’s hard to believe that in one week from today she will be 2!!! That’s just amazing. And she is doing so much for a 2 year old, we are very proud of her. How fast the last 2 years went by!!!
Here’s the video, enjoy!!!!
The Nursery is finally done. I’m so happy with it and just love the colors. We did Holly’s nursery in neutral colors because we picked it out before we knew we were having a girl. Originally we were NOT going to find out the sex of the baby, but I caved last minute so we did. We really like her nursery set so we decided to stick with it, even though it wasn’t “girly”. Well this time I wanted something VERY girly and I got my way. Do you think this is girly enough?? I also pulled out Holly’s infant car seat and got that all cleaned up for Baby Sister. I put it back together yesterday so we can load it into the car…
Holly is feeling better today. She has her spirit back and that’s nice. She slept a little extra yesterday so I’m sure that helped. Unfortunately she was up at 5:45am today so that’s an early start to our day! I’m glad she’s feeling better, I just feel so bad when she’s not herself. She did wake up starving today so that’s probably a good sign. Looks like it’s going to be another nice day out today so I’ll try to get her outside for some fresh air. Maybe we’ll just go play in the yard. We’ve got a HUGE yard she’s always looking out to and is just dying to run around in! I’m glad the nice weather is starting to arrive. I just hope…
The girls and I are finally feeling better. Holly still has a little bit of a cough but last night she didn’t wake up coughing so that is good. I felt so bad for Holly last week because she was running a fever for two days and she just hung out, but she was so sweet even though she was sick. She also has learned to give into being tired and will take a nap now. She hasn’t had a regular nap since she was 2! She naps at school two days a week and I didn’t think she’d even nap there and she does. So when she was sick, she wasn’t afraid to tell me she was tired. I got the cutest picture of…
Wednesday Holly and I had a Target shopping date with Jodi and Lil David. We had a very nice time and the kids were so good. At first Holly didn’t want David sitting in the car next to her but soon he was making her laugh and they really had a great time. All David wants to do is hold Holly’s hand, but she thinks wants to take her stuff (maybe he does sometimes) but most of the time he just wants to touch her and make her laugh. They are so cute together and they really do seem to enjoy each other. Whenever we were out of their site in Target you could hear Holly say “David, where are you??” it was too cute….
Halloween is approaching and I need to find Holly a costume but I’m so tempted to put the same thing on her as last year just because it was so darn cute. (But I will get something different). Here she is, just under 1 years old, walking already, on her first night of trick o treatin….she seemed to enjoy it and we loved how cute she looked….
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How I love these videos…I laught with delight. Grandpa loves them too.
DARLING! My twins were watching with me and they said, “play again” when it was over! too cute!