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Another CT Scan update..
I forgot to mention in my previous post that the CT Scan also showed that the inflammation of his colon and the small perforation in the colon that they saw last time, is no longer visible. So that means that part healed. That made us VERY HAPPY because that means surgery is not in the future again… which is a good thing. Surgery is not something we want because that means no chemo for at least 6 weeks after and perhaps even more. Right now Chemo is what he needs. That was my Christmas Gift!
The Night My Husband Died
I remember the night my husband died as if it was yesterday, but really it was 5 months ago that I would wake in the middle of the night to hear him mumble for the last time “I love you too”. Friday, November 4, 2016 Steve was transported to the Hospice home in Providence, RI. We (Mark and I) wanted him to go the day before, but he told us he didn’t think he was ready and wanted one more night. When he was placed on hospice less than two weeks earlier, we discussed that he would be transferred to the home before he died. We didn’t want him to die at home. Friday morning we got up and started getting him ready for the…
8th Round of Chemo complete and a Scheduled Break
Steve had his 8th round of chemo this week and he’s pretty happy it’s over because he has a break and won’t be back to the infusion center for 4 weeks. Why the break? He needed it for so many reasons and without it, going forward would have been way too hard. First of all, his CEA number is down to 11. So that’s GREAT! So if he’s going to take a break, now is a good time to do it since the number is still going down and the chemo is still working. But the real reason for the break is because he needs it physically and mentally. Even with the reduction in the 5-FU, he’s still getting the mouth sores, but not as…
Doctors Orders – No Salads!
So for those of you that know Steve well, you know that he isn’t big on fruits and veggies. He’s a meat and potatoes kind of guy (which also means low fiber – not good for the colon I’ve learned). However, when he first found out about the cancer, he vowed to do whatever he can to get his body healthy again and that included eating fruits and veggies if needed. While visiting with the Oncologist last week, he went over side effects of the chemo and asked us if we had any questions. Steve asked him if he should avoid any foods or eat certain foods to help repair the damage that the chemo will be doing to his body. I swear Steve had…
First Round of Chemo Done!
Friday (6/27) Steve completed his first round of Chemo. He was so happy to have the visiting nurse remove the IV and he was excited to take a nice long shower. Something he can’t do while hooked up to Chemo. He is doing well. Just very tired. Having the surgery in the same week as starting chemo, was very hard. He’s sore from ‘babying’ his right side (where the port was put in) and hopes that the next round he’ll be more comfortable with the IV in. As for side effects from Chemo, they were very minor. He didn’t get nauseous (thankfully!), he was very tired, his taste buds were off a bit, and he didn’t seem to have much of an appetite (which we…
Lemonade Stand for Colon Cancer
My daughter’s and their friends spent their day off from school today selling lemonade to raise money for Colon Cancer. I’ve never been more proud of them. Not once did they ask if they could keep any of the money. Instead they went inside and got their money they have in a donation jar of their own, and poured it into the bucket. We’ve raised $245.21 so far and still have some donations coming in. Being a parent is hard, but seeing these kids do things like this reminds me it’s all worth it and I am doing a good job. And so are my friends who’s kids joined my girls today to help out. It was a great day and my heart feels good.