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My Little Lady Bug….
Tonight my little girl turned into the cutest little Lady Bug!!! She LOVED trick or treating so much. She wouldn’t say trick or treat to the people at the door, but she did say thank you and bye bye to each one of them. We took her to about 12 houses and she had a GREAT TIME. So much she didn’t want to stop. It was cute. We are glad she enjoyed it, though at first she was a little confused as to what was going on, but she caught on pretty fast. Here are a few of my favorite pictures…enjoy!!! My Little LADY BUG!!!! Trick or Treat!! Bug meets Bug Daddy and his Little Lady The Crazy BunchIn the back, my brother’s mother in…
Merry Christmas………..
We had such a wonderful Christmas this year. We hope you all did too. Holly had a blast and really enjoyed it. She didn’t quite get the whole thing this year but boy did she have fun with everyone and all her presents. Here is our family Christmas picture and more to come tomorrow. Happy Holidays!!!!
Moving Day………
Today was moving day, for Holly at least. We finally finished painting her new room and it’s all ready for her. We began by moving her crib into the room this morning, boy was that fun. We were really hoping not to have to take the entire crib apart but we had to unassemble quite a bit of it to get it through the doors. Live and Learn. We’ve decided to move her with the crib first and then when she is nice and settled in there, we’ll get her a bed. Then we had to break for haircuts. Steve and Holly both needed haircuts so we went to see Betsy today. This was the first time we were attempted to have someone cut Holly’s…
Miss Personality………
Holly is developing quite the personality and she shows it with her many facial expressions. Steve and I find ourselves laughing at her a lot, especially when she gets mad. We can already tell the teenage years are going to be fun! Yesterday I caught two of those “famous expressions” on camera. Of course we think she’s just a beautiful even when she looks like this……. This look is saying “Mommy, I don’t want to smile right now”. This look says “What do you mean I can’t have another snack???” (I get that one a lot during the day, especially right before supper) But like the shirt, she’s a princess in our eyes, even when she gets mad.
Much better and more..
I hope! Holly is back to herself, like she’d never even been sick. I’m glad for that..I missed her little spirit running around the house talking on her phone, playing with her little people, dancing with dora. All that is back and more. Now we need to get Mommy back on the mend. I ended up catching what she had and was in bed Friday night when Steve got home. I spent the day in bed on Saturday and Sunday I was started to feel better. So far so good today. Now lets just hope that Steve doesn’t catch it. Tomorrow I plan on disinfecting the house to get rid of this bug. I just don’t have all my energy back today to do it….
Pumpkin Patch
I have a picture of Steve and Holly walking into the pumpkin patch last year on our refrigerator and Holly noticed it earlier in the year and ever since then, she has been asking to go to the Pumpkin Patch. Well it’s finally that time of the year and today we went to the pumpkin patch. We go to Manfredi’s Farm in Westerly and they have a bunch of animals there too and she had so much fun!!! She didn’t want to go near the donkey’s but she was very brave with the goats, sheep and chickens. She would of loved to have gotten closer to the ducks, but that wasn’t possible. Here are some pictures of our day…. Allison watched from the sidelines, I’m…
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE the purples and greens!!! I think you should find a digi call and submit “The swing” layout. The colors are great and so is the photography!
Keep up the good work!!!
Karen, I just love the layouts. She looks so cute!! Gotta love her…