Craft Day……..
Holly had a lot of fun with the markers, and thankfully they were washable because she made a mess, a cute mess, but a mess.
Holly had a lot of fun with the markers, and thankfully they were washable because she made a mess, a cute mess, but a mess.
Holly LOVES to color..It’s her new thing…But we must leave the crayons on the counter when we are done, or the walls become her coloring book. This has happened 3 times (if you count the fridge last week). I did get a picture this time before I cleaned it. Did you know that the Magic Eraser works really well getting crayon off your walls and fridge? Yup it does. Jodi can tell you too…I think she invested in the company recently. LOL The picture is a little blurry but it’s the wall in my hallway and there isn’t much light, but you get the idea. I love how her belly hangs out when she wears this top..It’s just too cute. Fast forward 12 years and…
I’ve been baking cookies for the past 8 years now and last year was the first Christmas that I didn’t bake (I think I baked the year Holly was born but I’m not sure, I might not of, it’s all a blur). I was so sorry that I didn’t so I made sure this year I did. I usually stress about getting it done but I didn’t. I enjoyed the process and I especially enjoyed Holly helping me. She was such a good helper and very eager. Here are some pictures of her baking……….. Peanut Butter Blossoms……..yum yum!! Cinnamon Oatmeal yum yum…… Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies yum yum……. and Cinnamon Gem Cookies yum yum….. OK I love Peanut Butter and Cinnamon, can you…
Today was my nephew Jonathan’s 1st communion. We ended up getting there a little late because Holly hasn’t been feeling well and we wanted to make sure she had her nap before we left. We didn’t miss much, but I didn’t get to see him walk in. He looked so grown up though! Where did the time go (just like my post the other day). It seems like it was just yesterday we were there, in the same church christening him (he’s my god child too) and now he’s making his 1st communion. Unbelievable!!! Here is a picture of him and I: His class made a quilt. They each had a square to work on…here is Jonathan pointing to the square he made. I love…
I have a blog. Not really sure if this is for me but since I read so many of them, Steve suggested that I start my own. The only question is, what am I going to write about??? Holly??? Scrapbooking??? Ok, those will work! Bare with me please, I’m not a good writer (or a good there spell check on here) but I’ll try my best. I usually send out emails on updates with Holly so why not just post it here and then I have everything in the same spot so when I want to scrapbook what she does, I can just come here. So I’m going to give it a try. Please be kind in your comments. I do want to hear…
We finally got some more snow. Holly was super excited because she got to go out and play in the snow. And Daddy was also super excited because he got to play with her in the snow, something he’s never had the chance to do because by the time he gets home it’s always too dark and it hardly ever snows. They both had a lot of fun. I picked up a little disc like sled for her last time it snowed and she had a blast sledding down the little hill in our side yard. Here are some pictures…..
March 2nd and it snowed. Now I know it’s still ‘technically’ winter on March 2nd BUT really, we hardly ever get snow that late anymore here but we did today. The girls enjoyed it so I guess that’s the important part but it was a lot of shoveling, again.It probably doesn’t look like much, but it is a lot of snow for us!Holly was taking all the icicles off the car, she was showing me the “big” one she found!
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how fun! I love being crafty with the kids – great memories!!
a very cute mess indeed!
That is fun Karen! So did you get any pages done?
craft day! how fun! love how she put the caps on her fingers…so cute!