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A CRAZY week!!!
I haven’t taken the time to blog the last few days but got lots to say (when don’t I?!!). Most importantly, my nephew Jonathan, who is 8 years old, had emergency surgery on Wednesday to have his appendix removed. Poor little dude was so sick Tuesday night and then by Wednesday morning his side was hurting so much he could not even walk. His parents acted fast because they suspected it was his appendix and sure enough it was. As they took it out, it burst so now he’s going to be in the hospital until Wednesday receiving an antibiotic. Poor little guy, he is being so brave and doing well. On Wednesday evening I was lucky enought to take a class from Donna Downey…
Snow Much Fun!
While Allison napped today, Holly and I went outside to play in the snow. I made a path for her to slide down the little hill right outside the front door, it’s perfect for sledding. She loves doing it but gets a little nervous the first few times, then she won’t stop. She decided to go down on her back so she closed her eyes, just in case it was scary. She’s so funny! We had a good time. Then she wanted to build a snowman. I haven’t made too many snowmen in the past but I think this one turned out really cute. She’s a girl so really she’s a snow girl. We don’t make boy’s in this house, only girls! Daddy’s out numbered…
Her First Sentence!!!! and lots more……
Holly said her first sentence this past week. After dinner her daddy went outside to mow the lawn and when she realized he wasn’t there so looked at me, put her arms out (like when you say things are all gone) and said to me….”Where’d dada go?” I was so excited!!! I told her “dada went outside” and then she said in a question “outside?”. It was a conversation…something that is new to her and I and I LOVED IT. It made me realize how fast she is growing up. New words are normal around here everyday now. She is trying so hard to talk and if she doesn’t know words, she makes them up. She’s also not a phone person (not sure where she…
Dressing herself and water shoes….
Orange Socks Holly hasn’t quite gotten to the point that she picks out the cloths she wants to wear but I know those moments are approaching us quickly after this weekend. I keep her socks in the top draw of the changing table and lately whenever we get dressed, she has to open the draw and insists that I put socks on her, even though I may not be putting shoes on her, she wants socks. Ok, that’s fine, I usually pick out a pair to match her outfit and give them too her. She tries first to put them on, then I finish the job and we are happy. Well yesterday she decided she was going to pick out the color of the socks…
Sorry it’s been over a week since I posted but I just haven’t had a thing to say. I know that seems strange for me but really it’s the truth!! Holly is doing great, saying more and more every single day. It’s so great to be able to communicate with her but there are still times when we don’t know what she’s saying. One thing she continues to say to us is “merry christmas”. I think it’s so cute when she says it. She obviously has no idea what it means, but she’s only 2 and that’s what makes it cute. When Steve was leaving the other day, she was saying goodbye to him and told him she loved him and then she was saying…
Getting so big so fast!
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