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Ebates and Ice Cream
Have you heard of ebates? It’s a website that gives you cash back when you shop online. I’ve been using it a lot lately and I’m very happy with the selection of stores that they have. They usually give you $5 when you first sign up but right now they are offering a special. If you sign up now you will get $10 to start you off!! That’s a really great deal. If you are not already a member you can Join Here. It’s really easy to use too. All you have to do is before you shop online, go to ebates, sign into your account and search for the store your looking for. As long as you click the link to that store while…
She’s standing……
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Playing Dress Up
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Miss Personality………
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In my previous post I mentioned that Allison loves standing, well she still does! And she’s starting to walk along the couch a lot more. She even lets go everynow and then, but I still don’t think she’ll be walking anytime soon. I hope not, I am not ready for that yet! I’m greeted by her standing in her crib whenever I go and get her and she usually has a smile on her face like this….. It’s amazing how fast she is growing! We were all getting better, but not anymore. Steve has a really bad ear infection so he’s on antibiotics and Allison started with a fever again today and she’s still coughing and her nose is running just a bit. Holly is…
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You have such a great looking family – those girls are absolute dolls!!