Not to much to write today..just wanted to past a few cute pictures of Holly that were taken earlier in the month. Enjoy!!!
Not to much to write today..just wanted to past a few cute pictures of Holly that were taken earlier in the month. Enjoy!!!
I am Lucky to be able to say that I am the mother of these two Beautiful Amazing little girls. As long as they are happy and healthy nothing else should really matter to me. There isn’t anything in this world more important then the love from them, and my husband of course. They are my number one’s and I am here to take care of them. Everyday, when I wake up and see their smiling faces, and hear that wonderful little voice of Holly’s say “Good morning, Mommy” I am thankful that we have the life that allows me to be with them each and everyday and watch them grow into amazing people. I am lucky, and thankful for all the wonderful things that…
The time since Allison was born has gone by so fast for us. It’s amazing how the second time around is SO different than the first. Part of it is that Allison is such a different baby than Holly, but also we know (or at least have an idea) of what we are doing. I’ve already got Allison on some type of schedule, but since we already have ‘schedules’ for Holly, it’s so much easier get Allison on one. Of course she still has her moments where things don’t go as scheduled but for the most part they do. We are just enjoying her so much and she’s getting SO big SO fast. Monday night she slept really well too. I don’t expect this every…
This past weekend our friends Bob and Melissa were married in PA. They asked Holly to be a flower girl and she hasn’t stopped talking about it since that day. Well now she has even more to talk about. She was the cutest flower girl and did such a GREAT job. Mommy and Daddy were very proud of her. She didn’t even hesitate when she went down the aisle. She was having fun tossing the flowers along the way. Allison was also a hit since she looked so cute too. She was a very good girl during the ceremony and sat and ate her goldfish like a big girl. Of course she doesn’t say much yet so making lots of noise wasn’t the issue. Both…
I have a blog. Not really sure if this is for me but since I read so many of them, Steve suggested that I start my own. The only question is, what am I going to write about??? Holly??? Scrapbooking??? Ok, those will work! Bare with me please, I’m not a good writer (or a good there spell check on here) but I’ll try my best. I usually send out emails on updates with Holly so why not just post it here and then I have everything in the same spot so when I want to scrapbook what she does, I can just come here. So I’m going to give it a try. Please be kind in your comments. I do want to hear…
Our First Snow, for this year that is. It snowed today and Holly was so happy. It didn’t really snow last year, nothing that she could play in and the year before she doesn’t remember so today was a fun day! Believe it or not, her snowsuit I bought her last year fits her perfectly, she’s so tiny. So that worked out well since I didn’t buy another one this year. She patiently waited for Allison to go down for her afternoon nap so we could go outside. Here are some pictures of her all bundled up having fun. Her had kept falling over her eyes. She was so cute!She had a blast!!!
I’m so excited!!!!! Finally one of my scrapbook pages is going to be published!!!! Last week Memory Makers magazine emailed me that they were going to feature one of my pages in their online newsletter and I was VERY excited about that. Well this week Scrapbook Trends emailed me and they want to PUBLISH one of my layouts in their December Issue!!!!! I was so excited. I screamed for Steve and he thought something happened to Holly. He laughed at me as I jumped up and down squeeling like a pig I was so excited!!!!! The best part of it is it’s a layout with me and Holly in it, which makes it even more special. Once it’s published I will post the layout again,…
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Karen you always know how to make your mother smile. Those pictures as awesome, especially the nap with her babydoll. Keep those pictures coming.