
I’ve become a bad blogger, sorry. Of course I have a good excuse, still I need to try and update more. I used to spend a good amount of time on the computer after Holly went to bed while I watched TV, but lately I’ve been watching TV in bed then going to bed since Allison gets up to eat a few times at night. I will try to do more.

The girls are still doing well. Holly is acting like a 2 year old and testing me at times, but over all she is still doing great with the adjustment of Allison joining our family. And she still kisses her sister, all the time. Allison is doing great, getting bigger and bigger every day. I can’t believe tomorrow she will be 4 weeks old. Boy that went by fast! It’s amazing how much joy she has brought us in such a short time. She goes to the doctor on Friday, I can’t wait to see how much she weighs. I know she’s gained a lot of weight. Some of the “newborn” cloths are already NOT fitting her.

Holly’s dresses herself, PJ’s and Boots…….isn’t she cute?

Jodi sent me pictures of David with his Tiger and Pooh and when Holly saw the picture, she went and got her’s and wanted to take a picture like David. It was so cute!
Isn’t she getting big?
Thanks for looking!

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  1. I can’t believe how much bigger Allison has gotten since we last saw her. The girls are sooo adorable. Loved the boots, nice fashion statement Holly.
    love, Nana

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