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Spring is here!!!!!
Well, almost. It is absolutely beautiful here today. We have the heat down, a few windows open….I love the fresh air coming in, especially at the beginning of Spring. I’m sure it won’t last long, but I’m not even thinking about that. We had to run out to Walmart for a few things and it was too warm to put Holly’s winter jacket on so I pulled out the Spring Jacket!!!! Ok, it’s not so exciting for everyone, but it was for me. I love putting new things on her. Anyways, she looked absolutely ADORABLE!!!!! I had to zoom into the first picture so it’s not very clear. After that she was walking towards me up an incline so she kept watching her feet. So…
Busy Weekend…….
We had pretty busy weekend, but not too bad. Got a lot done. My inlaws are replacing their bed in the spare room with a bigger bed, so they gave us their old one, which is much more comfortable than the one we had in our spare room. So on Saturday they brought that over. Holly and Nana had a lot of fun playing in her new room with Dora’s castle. Holly loves when Nana comes over because she’s a FUN playmate. We visited with them and had a late lunch before they headed home. Then Steve, Holly and I hung out for the rest of the night. I pulled out the camera Saturday afternoon to take some pictures of Holly. She was in a…
Weekend Updates….
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Holly Swimming
Holly LOVES the pool this year. Last year she never got in it, but this year she’d be in there everyday if she could. Her and Steve were swimming the other day and I got a video of them. She was playing pretend and daddy was a monster. She’s so cute. Enjoy!
The things she says………
Now that Holly is talking so much, every now and then, she says something and we just have to laugh, it’s so cute. This weekend on Saturday her Nana and Papa (Steve’s parents) came to visit. Then on Sunday I told her that Nonnie and Papa (my parents) were coming to visit her. She said to me“more Nana’s and papa’s today”It was so cute! She absolutely loves all 4 of her grandparents and she had so much fun playing with them all this weekend. Today (Monday) we went to Target. When we got to the register, the cashier said Hi to us, pretty normal. Sometimes Holly will say Hi back, other times she gets shy and won’t even look at the cashier. Well today was…
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yay – we love messengers!! So glad you will be posting Jodi!!!
Oh my I can’t wait to see a peek. Thanks for posting 🙂