Getting better……..
Holly is still doing great in school, loving every minute of it and doing well. We are really proud of her!
Isn’t she getting big???
Holly is still doing great in school, loving every minute of it and doing well. We are really proud of her!
Isn’t she getting big???
I received my new camera the week before the wedding so all the pictures I took were with that and I love it. It’s very similar to my old camera but it’s a newer version so somethings were improved and they changed the way some things worked so I’m still learning. But I am very happy with the pictures it took. Glad I had to get a new one. A few people have asked me how I made money to buy the camera. Well some of you know that I’ve become very frugal and save a LOT of money when I go shopping and I really enjoy taking surveys and doing mystery shopping. I put together a blog about all the things I do and…
I’ve become a bad blogger, sorry. Of course I have a good excuse, still I need to try and update more. I used to spend a good amount of time on the computer after Holly went to bed while I watched TV, but lately I’ve been watching TV in bed then going to bed since Allison gets up to eat a few times at night. I will try to do more. The girls are still doing well. Holly is acting like a 2 year old and testing me at times, but over all she is still doing great with the adjustment of Allison joining our family. And she still kisses her sister, all the time. Allison is doing great, getting bigger and bigger every day….
The girls were playing and said they were going to have a picnic. Holly lost interest and found something else to do but only after helping her sister set the table. Allison then proceeded to have her picnic, with Zebra. It was absolutely adorable and I’m so glad I got a picture of it. She is going to love looking back at this someday.
Today was moving day, for Holly at least. We finally finished painting her new room and it’s all ready for her. We began by moving her crib into the room this morning, boy was that fun. We were really hoping not to have to take the entire crib apart but we had to unassemble quite a bit of it to get it through the doors. Live and Learn. We’ve decided to move her with the crib first and then when she is nice and settled in there, we’ll get her a bed. Then we had to break for haircuts. Steve and Holly both needed haircuts so we went to see Betsy today. This was the first time we were attempted to have someone cut Holly’s…
Holly loves to play dress up with Mommy’s hats and scarfs. I have a ton of hats and scarfs and they are all in a basket near the door, along with Holly’s hats and scarfs. She prefers to dress up in mine when we are home. It’s really cute. These were her two fashion’s this past weekend. I tried getting a picture of Holly and my mother this weekend but Holly didn’t want to smile properly, but I couldn’t resist posting this picture because I can’t believe how big she looks in here. It’s amazing to see how fast she’s growing up.
I don’t normally get great pictures of my mother because she hates to smile. She says she doesn’t know ‘how’ too (sorry mom, but you do!). Well I finally got a perfect picture of her and Holly and they are both smiling pefectly!! I scrapbooked it right away and I love how it came out. I found a quote that I thought would be great for this page because there wasn’t really a story to tell about the picture. It says “Grandma’s are mommies with lots of practice”. PERFECT!!
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Oh she is really growing 🙂 That smile on her is precious. Glad she is feeling better.
Glad that she is growing and getting better!
Love the new banner with Holly in the snow! Such a great set of pictures.