Allison on the Phone
The video is taking to long to upload so I will post it tomorrow.
The video is taking to long to upload so I will post it tomorrow.
Holly is so funny when I take out the camera lately. Sometimes she hams it up and other times she gets a serious and focuses on something like she’s trying to ignore me. It’s just too cute! I’m so glad I get to spend my days with her and enjoy all these moments. It’s so amazing to watch her develop and grow right before my eyes. And boy is she growing fast! I can’t believe that in 11 days she’ll be 17 months old. How fast did that go by?? Everyone told me it would be fast but boy they didn’t tell me HOW fast. I love this age (except for the mini temper tantrums, but we are working on that). She understands so much…
Tuesday night we put the last coat of paint on the walls in the Nursery and I love it!! The yellow just looks so sunny and springy. Steve moved all the furniture back tonight so I’ll take a picture tomorrow and post it. This weekend, my mother is going to put the border up and slowly the room will start coming together. Pictures to come soon. Spring is starting to show it’s face around here. Today it was in the 60’s and just beautiful out. Holly and I played outside for a while and I even took my coat off. Yesterday we found the first signs of spring and they were in the same spot they are every single year, Crocuses. They pop up first…
We went on Monday to The Picture People to have Holly’s Official Easter picture taken. I’d do it myself but I can’t get her to look at the camera anymore. I also don’t have a place to take it without stuff in the background so off to The Picture People we go. The last time we were there was on her 1st Birthday. The thing about them is that the kids can stand up. She started walking at 9 months so by 1 year she was running and I knew she wouldn’t sit for a picture. When we did her birthday picture it was very hard to keep her in front of the camera, she kept wanted to walk out of the room, play with…
Now that Holly is moved into her new room, we can start working on the nursery. I defiantly want to change the theme. I need something different because I’ve been looking at Holly’s room for almost 3 years. Change is good. We decided (well I guess really I decided) to paint the nursery yellow. I’ve been wanting a yellow room in my house and since my husband really isn’t into painting the rest of the house, why not have my yellow in the nursery. So to go along with that, I’ve been searching for he best girlie crib set that would go with the yellow room and finally my search is over. This is what I’ve decided on (notice I said I and not we,…
Holly and I planted some seeds earlier in the summer. We didn’t water them very often and then we went almost a month without rain so I didn’t expect anything to bloom. Well, today we went outside and to our surprise we saw this……….. And a picture of the girls in their matching dresses, waiting for mommy while she took pictures of the One Flower…….