More Swimming…
I’m LOVIN the digital scrappin world so much. I never thought I’d enjoy it, but once you have a better idea of how to do it, it’s really easy and fun!! Here are my latest creations I made over the last 2 days. I guess purple was the theme. LOL I didn’t even realize that until just now.
Like most 2nd children, Allison loves all of Holly’s stuff. Lately she’s been wearing her shoes, or mine and even Steve’s. It’s really cute and I think just about every kid does it. But today was the best yet. She came walking down the hallway wearing her jammies (blue – from David, we love hand me downs) and Holly’s Pink High Heel Shoes! And of course her buddy Zebra (otherwise know as “Z”) was with her. I am so glad I was able to grab my camera and catch a picture of her. If you can’t really see the shoes click on the picture for a larger view.
The baby’s room is finally yellow. I am SO happy with how it’s turned out. We will put one more coat on this weekend, but it looks so GREAT! I was so afraid that the color was going to be wrong, when ever I pick out paint, once it’s mixed and bought, I second guess myself the entire time until it’s up on the walls. I couldn’t be more happier about the way this room has turned out. I can NOT WAIT to get the nursery set up now. Here are some pictures of our new Yellow room. Of course when little miss Holly saw me with the camera she came running down the hall yelling ‘cheese’ and making her silly little smile face, so…
This past weekend we took Holly to the pumpkin patch. She had so much fun there last year, we know she’d enjoy it even more this year, and she did! She tried picking up all the pumpkins but most were too heavy. She kept running from pumpkin to pumpkin saying “help me, help me” because she was desperate to pick them up. It was so cute. Here are some pictures…. The Pumpkin Patch Holly and Daddy The Pumpkins And finally, the two pumpkins she got to take home…..
Last Friday night Santa arrived in town on the local fire truck. I guess the reindeer aren’t ready to travel yet. After dinner we gathered with everyone else to await Santa’s arrival. This was the first time we were there to greet him so we had no idea what to expect. The girls were becoming impatient so we gave them so lollipops to buy some time and it worked, very well. When Santa finally arrived he began to visit the children in the crowd but unfortunately we were in the wrong spot. We are at the end, but we didn’t know that so we waited and waited until it was our turn. In the meantime Santa had all sorts of helpers there to entertain and…