Some Videos……
A conversation with a 2 year old….
A conversation with a 2 month old…..
No more Momma or Dadda, it’s now Mommy and Daddy. “Thank you Mommy” and “I love you Daddy” Though I love this change because it shows she is growing up and her language is developing amazingly, it also means she’s not a baby anymore. We have just a few more things left of her ‘babyhood’ and once they are gone, it’s going to hit me hard. I see pictures like this one and notice how grown up she looks, but I can also still see her as a baby in my mind. Any mother can probably agree with me, it does go by so fast, almost in the blink of an eye. My mother has a Christmas tradition with her Grandchildren. Each year she buys…
March 2nd and it snowed. Now I know it’s still ‘technically’ winter on March 2nd BUT really, we hardly ever get snow that late anymore here but we did today. The girls enjoyed it so I guess that’s the important part but it was a lot of shoveling, again.It probably doesn’t look like much, but it is a lot of snow for us!Holly was taking all the icicles off the car, she was showing me the “big” one she found!
I’m so excited!!!!! Finally one of my scrapbook pages is going to be published!!!! Last week Memory Makers magazine emailed me that they were going to feature one of my pages in their online newsletter and I was VERY excited about that. Well this week Scrapbook Trends emailed me and they want to PUBLISH one of my layouts in their December Issue!!!!! I was so excited. I screamed for Steve and he thought something happened to Holly. He laughed at me as I jumped up and down squeeling like a pig I was so excited!!!!! The best part of it is it’s a layout with me and Holly in it, which makes it even more special. Once it’s published I will post the layout again,…
The girls got another trunk full of dress up cloths from Auntie Jodi for Christmas. They love playing dress up. This particular morning Holly just looked adorable. She is quite the fashionista! And a cute close up of my princess… Allison was showing me the picture that her and Holly drew online of Max & Ruby. I think they did a pretty good job! Holly is very artistic, she pretty much did all the drawings. Allison has her Cinderella dress on behind the picture, half on half off. My other Princess.
Since Allison was sick her appitite has picked up tremedously! She’s snacking more than she ever was before and that’s ok because she only weighs 23lbs!!! and she’s almost 2. So I’m happy that she finally has more of an appitite. She was enjoying a cheese sick the other day and just looked so cute, of course. And I got the cutest smile too.
Happy 16th Birthday Danielle!!!! Today is my little cousin Danielle’s 16th Birthday and she’s getting her driver’s permit. Now when in the world did that happen. How did she get to be 16 when she was just born. It’s amazing how fast she has grown up right before my eyes. When she was little, my sister in law and I would tell her we were going to call the stores and tell them to stop making cloths so she wouldn’t grow anymore and I think she believed us back then. To bad we couldn’t really do that. Now for some pictures……. Her and I when she was just a little bitty baby…. (I was 17 at the time) My brother’s weddding, she turned 4 the…
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My kids and I enjoyed those video clips of your cutie girls! 🙂
So cute.
Oh my goodness your girls are TOO cute!!! I love your conversation with Holly! It was great actually hearing your voice too! Your accent is adorable. What is really funny is that I didn’t understand what Holly said sometimes until you “interpreted”. I guess as a mom you just can understand so much better. Thanks for sharing!
Karen, too precious. Cami loves to see Holly, how fun!
eeeeekkkk…I feel like a part of your family watching your precious girls grow up on your blog. They are just too adorable!
Great Videos – d loves them of course! At the end of Holly’s he said “love You” back. so sweet.
absolutely adorable,
hugs and kisses, Nana and Papa