I’ve become a bad blogger, sorry. Of course I have a good excuse, still I need to try and update more. I used to spend a good amount of time on the computer after Holly went to bed while I watched TV, but lately I’ve been watching TV in bed then going to bed since Allison gets up to eat a few times at night. I will try to do more. The girls are still doing well. Holly is acting like a 2 year old and testing me at times, but over all she is still doing great with the adjustment of Allison joining our family. And she still kisses her sister, all the time. Allison is doing great, getting bigger and bigger every day….
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Very nice pictures! I love the tired princess. She looks so sweet with the pretty dress on the nice white couch. Great shot too of the 3 cousins.
So cute. I wish I could get up there, but I think you will truly be a family of four before I will make it. Love ya!
Great Pics! I’m a prejudice grandparent–Love the pictures of Holly & Jonathan – Jonathan, Holly and Kristopher-They are adorable. The tired princess must have played very hard with Nanna Marge this week-end.
Cute pictures of Holly (of course!!)!! Looks like her cousins adore her (how could you not??) and those ones of her lying on the couch – she looks like a little princess!