The video…
I really do have the best husband and daughter in the entire world!! Or I’m just or the other. But I think they are great. Steve decided to buy me for my birthday a brand new Laptop!!!! I said earlier in the year that eventually I’d like a laptop and knew we’d go wireless at some point. Steve said sure, probably by the end of the year and for Christmas. We’ll he decided it could be my birthday gift too! We went last night to pick one out and of course the one we wanted wasn’t in stock, but they’ll ship it to our house for free and it will be here the day before my birthday. That works for me!! Here’s the one…
I’m taking an online class by Renee Pearson to learn how to Digital Scrapbook. I don’t think I will go ALL digital, but I DO want to learn. Santa Claus brought me Photoshop Elements 4.0 so that’s what I’m using. Here is the first lesson and my first ever Digital Page. Of course this isn’t going into Holly’s scrapbook, it will be in my “Learning Digital Scrapbooking” scrapbook.
On Saturday we all went for haircuts, including Allison. She really needed one and I couldn’t wait anymore. She has hair just like Holly’s and it’s very fine. The back isn’t growing in very well yet, just like Holly’s and I can’t not cut it like I did with Holly. I’ve learned so off to the hair dressers we all went. Allison did great getting her hair cut, she just didn’t want to sit in the chair, but that was OK, she let mommy hold her and had no problem at all letting Betsy cut her hair. I did take some pictures but my camera settings were still set for nighttime so they didn’t come out to well. Also she wouldn’t smile for the camera….
Allison is One month old today. I can’t believe how fast this month went by. She has grown so much and I can’t wait to take her to the doctor’s tomorrow and she how much she’s grown because I know she has. She received this cute zebra as a present when she was born from the ladies that own Curves (where I used to work) and I’m going to take a picture of her with it each month so we can see her grow. Here are the two pictures so far. One was taken the day we came home from the hospital and the other was taken today. What do you think?? The day we came home from the hospital….Today…Here are some cute pictures of…
Just a quick midweek update with some pictures to share. Allison is getting a little restless right now so this will be short and sweet. The girls are doing great and so are we. Mommy and her girls….This is actually Allison’s halloween costume but Holly wanted to put it on, it’s pretty small on her, though it doesn’t look that small……Allison is probably going to be swimming in it. Since Holly liked it so much, I got her one too that will fit her better. She lookedso cute in it though.Allison eating seet potatoes…..believe it or not she did NOT like them….See what I mean!Nana and (a tired) Holly
You Are a Boston Creme Donut You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you.But on the inside, you’re a total pushover and completely soft.You’re a traditionalist, and you don’t change easily.You’re likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it’s sold out. What Donut Are You?
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Oh Karen – she is sooo cute – just like her big sister!