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More pony tails………
I keep trying with the barrette’s and pony tails and the more I try, the longer she keeps them in. Maybe someday we will be up to an entire day! The thing is, she looks so cute especially with pig tails, if only she’d keep them in. Recently one morning when I washed her hair, she actually asked me to put some things in her hair. I took this opportunity to give her pig tails. I always wore my hair in pig tails when I was little and I’d love to do that with Holly (now if only her hair would grow more, that would help). She looked so adorable!!!! Finally, Holly is getting into letting us read to her. She’s always enjoyed her books…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day……
I know we aren’t Irish…but still it’s a day to celebrate, right? Well actually the only way we are celebrating (again, because we aren’t Irish) is Holly is wearing Green today….. Obviously she isn’t looking very festive and happy in this picture, probably because I made her wear green and we aren’t Irish. But tough luck, I still get to pick out her cloths! I’m going to keep trying to get a better picture of her today and If I do, I’ll post it here later, so check back. She’s napping now, well she’s supposed to be napping but she’s in her cribbing addressing all of Ashaway (she’s talking very loud) about something but I’m not sure. She’s probably telling eveyone that I made her…
Happy Birthday Kimberly!!!!!
Happy Birthday My Friend!!!! We’ve know each other for about 23 years……………that’s a long time!!! We’ve had a lot of fun over the years and we’ve had a LOT of laughs. I’m so glad we got back in touch so we can continue being friends for another 23 plus years!!! I hope you have a great day and you get exactly what you want for your birthday. Here’s a picture of us from many years ago when we took a little road trip down to Maryland and I think we went to Atlantic City too. That was a fun and interesting trip. Someday we will have to go back again, maybe this time we will hit it big!!! Love ya!!!!! I also want to wish…
It’s Friday again….
I can’t believe it’s already Friday again!!! The time just seems to be flying by.Just a few pictures of the girls this week I want to share…. In their PJ’s ready for bed…. I love this close up of Holly… A kiss for my baby sister….. After bath time….. after Holly is down with her bath, I put some fresh water in and then give Allison her bath. Holly loves sharing her bath with her baby sister…. Getting ready to go out….. Every morning lately, Holly asks me, “Mommy where us going today”… cute! Last week when Holly got her hair cut, mommy got hers cut too. I had so much cut off, I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. I’ve never had my hair…
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday everyone! I don’t really have much of a post today, just wanted to stop in and say hi. We had a nice weekend, I had the day off on Saturday and went scrapbooking for the day with Jodi. We had a lot of fun and I got a lot of pages done. I haven’t scanned them in yet so I’ll do that tonight and post those tomorrow. It was nice to spend the day with my best friend without any little ones around. But we did miss them, that’s for sure. Steve and Holly had a great day together. They took a ride to the beach and she played in the sand for a little while, it was very cold and windy so…
Happy Anniversary Steve!!!!
Today is our 5th Wedding Anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since we were married. Of course those have been 5 WONDERFUL years. My life changed almost 8 years ago when I met my husband. I knew shortly after I met him that we’d be together forever. It just felt right, I didn’t have to be someone I wasn’t, I could totally be myself and it was a great feeling. We had so much fun together when we were dating and we still do today. It’s great to wake up every morning next to the best thing that ever came into my life. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world because I know my husband loves me exactly they way I…